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Health Care

Rep. Barletta is committed to preserving and protecting our nation’s healthcare system. He understands the challenges many Northeastern Pennsylvanians – and all Americans – face when it comes to receiving healthcare benefits for themselves and their families.

However, the new healthcare law is not the answer. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), passed by the 111th Congress (before Rep. Barletta was elected), requires almost all American citizens to obtain government-sponsored health insurance. PPACA levies more than $569 billion in taxes upon American citizens and businesses, including a 40-percent tax on privately held high-cost, high-benefit health insurance plans. Additionally, PPACA imposes an employer mandate requiring businesses that employ more than 50 employees to provide a government-approved insurance option or risk a $2,000 penalty per employee.

That’s why Rep. Barletta voted to repeal PPACA. On January 19, 2011, Rep. Barletta and his colleagues on both sides of the aisle approved H.R. 2 – Repealing the Job-Killing Health Care Law Act. This bill, which passed the House with Democratic and Republican support, is stuck in the Senate.

Rep. Barletta is working with his colleagues on commonsense reforms to replace this unconstitutional law. The problem with our healthcare system is not access, it’s affordability. Rep. Barletta supports measures to lower the price of healthcare coverage, including allowing consumers to shop for healthcare plans across state lines. Competition will drive down the price, giving more consumers access to cheaper yet effective plans.

If you would like more information about this issue, please contact my Washington, D.C., office.