
National Space-Based Positioning, Navigation, and Timing Executive Committee


This document constitutes the Charter for the National Space-Based Positioning, Navigation, and Timing (PNT) Executive Committee in accordance with the U.S. Space-Based Positioning, Navigation, and Timing Policy, dated December 8, 2004.


The Executive Committee is co-chaired by the Deputy Secretaries of the Department of Defense and the Department of Transportation, or their designated representatives. Membership of the National Executive Committee for Space-Based PNT (EXCOM) includes representatives, at the equivalent level of the Co-chairs, from the Departments of State, the Interior, Agriculture, Commerce, Homeland Security, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and any other department or agency as the chairs deem necessary. Agencies not specifically designated as members may participate in meetings at the discretion of the Co-chairs. Address requests for committee membership to the EXCOM Co-chairs; routed through the National Coordination Office (NCO) for Space-Based PNT. The NCO will assemble the approval packages for staffing. Membership of the Executive Committee includes representatives, at the equivalent level of the Co-chairs, from the Departments of State, Commerce, and Homeland Security, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Federal Departments and Agencies not specifically designated as members of the Executive Committee may participate at the discretion of the Co-chairs.

Representatives of the Office of Management and Budget, National Security Council, Homeland Security Council, the Office of Science and Technology Policy, and National Economic Council shall participate as observers to the Executive Committee. Additionally, the Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission, or a designated representative, is invited to participate as a Liaison to the Executive Committee. The Under Secretary of the Air Force, as the DoD executive agent for space, is invited to attend meetings to provide advice and assistance as needed.


The Executive Committee is the senior-level federal government body established by the President's Space-Based PNT Policy to advise and coordinate among member Departments and Agencies responsible for the strategic decisions regarding policies, architectures, requirements, and resource allocation for maintaining and improving U.S. space-based PNT infrastructure. The responsibilities of the Executive Committee will not impair or otherwise affect the authorities of member Departments and Agencies under applicable law.

The Executive Committee shall advise and make recommendations to its member Departments and Agencies that ensure services provided by U.S. space-based PNT infrastructure, including the Global Positioning System (GPS) and GPS augmentations, are made available consistent with the U.S. Space-Based PNT Policy in support of U.S. national security, homeland security, foreign policy, economic, public safety, and scientific interests.

The Executive Committee will convene at least twice per year. Additional meetings may be called as agreed upon by the co-chairs.

The Executive Committee shall:

  • Advise and coordinate on matters pertaining to the U.S. Space-Based PNT Policy with member Departments and Agencies.
  • Resolve interdepartmental issues regarding space-based PNT systems and services. In all matters, the Executive Committee will strive for consensus. In the absence of consensus, final decision authority may be exercised by the Co-chairs or elevated by either.
  • Establish a means to resolve time-critical interdepartmental issues regarding space-based positioning, navigation and timing systems and services such as those concerning Navwar testing and training.
  • Determine requirements, including financing, facilities, personnel, and services, for the operation of the Executive Committee, and apportion these among member Departments and Agencies.
  • Oversee the National Space-Based Positioning, Navigation, and Timing (PNT) Coordination Office in accordance with the Terms of Reference in Annex A.
  • Establish and oversee a process to conduct studies and assessments pertaining to space-based PNT that have National benefit beyond the scope of a single Department or Agency.
  • Establish and implement an interagency process for the full and appropriate consideration of National security, homeland security, and civil requirements, to include integration and deconfliction, to ensure that the U.S. remains the pre-eminent military space-based PNT service and that U.S. civil space-based PNT services exceed, or are at least equivalent to, those routinely provided by foreign space-based PNT services.
  • Establish, fund, and consider recommendations from a National Space-Based Positioning, Navigation, and Timing (PNT) Advisory Board in coordination with a host Department or Agency.
  • Establish a National Executive Steering Group (ESG) for Space-Based PNT to perform tasks, build consensus and resolve issues on behalf of the Executive Committee. The Departments of Defense and Transportation cochair the ESG at the Under/Assistant Secretary level. ESG membership includes one delegate, at the equivalent level of the co-chairs, from each EXCOM member agency, also including the Federal Aviation Administration and the Office of the Under Secretary of the Air Force. Co-chairs may add additional members, as necessary. Agencies not specifically designated as members may participate at the co-chairs' discretion. Address requests for ESG membership to the co-chairs; routed through the NCO. The NCO will assemble the approval packages for staffing.


To execute the specific functions of the U.S. Space-Based PNT Policy, the Executive Committee shall develop the following:

  • National Space-Based PNT Strategy: Integrate individual Department and Agency space-based PNT goals into a comprehensive strategy that implements the vision of the Space-Based PNT Policy and promotes consistency, cohesiveness, transparency and coordination among Departments and Agencies.
  • Five-Year National Space-Based PNT Plan: Develop a Five-Year National Space-Based PNT Plan that is updated annually and includes policies, architectures, program plans, requirements, budgets, schedules, international partnerships, and science and technology investment strategies across the Departments and Agencies that contribute to U.S. space-based PNT. The Five-Year National Space-Based PNT Plan should build on, and be consistent with, the National Space-Based PNT Strategy.
  • Program Assessment: Conduct an annual assessment of the adequacy of Department and Agency budgets and schedules to support the timely delivery of space-based PNT capabilities and services as outlined in the Five-Year National Space-Based PNT Plan and provide recommendations to the Executive Committee member Departments and Agencies, and to the President, through the Office of Management and Budget.

Change Procedures/Effective Date

This Charter shall become effective upon signatures of the undersigned. A review of this charter will occur within 2 years and on a 5-year cycle thereafter by a subcommittee approved by the Executive Committee. This charter may be amended at any time by the mutual written consent of the undersigned or their successors.

/signature of Donald H. Rumsfeld/
Secretary of Defense

Date: JAN 26 2006

/signature of Norman Y. Mineta/
Secretary of Transportation

Date: JAN. 24, 2006

National Coordination Office
