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5/1/2012 Presidential Proclamation: Older Americans Month, 2012
  America endured great trials and heralded defining triumphs over the course of the 20th century, and the men and women who saw us through that time remain among our Nation's greatest assets. Through their guiding wisdom, enduring love of family, and inspiring commitment to country, older Americans continue to steer and enhance our national life.

4/10/2012 Presidential Proclamation: National Volunteer Week, 2012
  Our Nation has been profoundly shaped by ordinary Americans who have volunteered their time and energy to overcome extraordinary challenges. From the American Revolution and the Seneca Falls Convention to the everyday acts of compassion and purpose that move millions to make change in their communities, our Nation has always been at its best when individuals have come together to realize a common vision.

2/13/2012 President’s FY 2013 Budget Request for CNCS
  Today President Obama is sending his Fiscal Year 2013 budget request to Congress, including proposed funding for the Corporation for National and Community Service and its programs.

5/27/2011 Message from Patrick A. Corvington CEO, Corporation for National and Community Service Friday, May 27, 2011
  We are very pleased to announce that President Obama has designated Robert Velasco, II, as Acting CEO of the Corporation for National and Community Service. Robert will serve in this position as the President works to identify a permanent CEO to be nominated and confirmed by the Senate.

4/18/2011 Update on 2011 National Service Budget
  On Friday President Obama signed a Continuing Resolution that funds the federal government for the rest of fiscal year 2011. In total, the continuing resolution provides $1.077 billion for the Corporation for National and Community Service and its programs, about 94% of our FY 2010 enacted level.

8/5/2010 Update on FY 2011 National Service Budget
  As you recall, the budget process kicked off last February, when President Obama released his budget request for Fiscal Year 2011. In that budget, the President proposed $1.416 billion for the Corporation for National and Community Service to strengthen our nation’s volunteer sector, foster innovation, and mobilize millions of Americans to solve critical problems through national service.

8/4/2010 National Service Budget Update
  Last Thursday, the Senate Appropriations Committee approved a spending bill that provides $1.366 billion for the Corporation for National and Community Service and its programs. This is an increase of $215.9 million over last year’s funding level but $51 million below the President’s request.

7/12/2010 Patrick A. Corvington Speech at Luncheon for the 2010 National Council of La Raza Annual Conference
  San Antonio, TX—Janet Murguía, President and CEO of NCLR (National Council of La Raza), the largest national Hispanic civil rights and advocacy organization in the United States, today announced the preliminary roster of speakers and the extensive, free family activities that will be at the 2010 NCLR Annual Conference. Sponsored by Toyota, the Conference, themed “A Legacy of Service, Advancing Community,” will be held July 10–13 in San Antonio, Texas.

6/29/2010 National Service Agency CEO Keynote at Conference Town Hall
  Patrick A. Corvington, CEO, Corporation for National and Community Service 2010 National Conference Town Hall Keynote, New York City, June 29, 2010.

4/21/2010 Keynote Address by Patrick Corvington, CEO of the Corporation for National and Community Service, on the One-Year Anniversary of the Signing of the Edward M. Kennedy Serve America Act
  Keynote address by Patrick Corvington, CEO of the Corporation for National and Community Service, on the one-year anniversary of the signing of the Edward M. Kennedy Serve America Act.

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