Statement from Congressman Carney on the anniversary of the September 11th terrorist attacks

WILMINGTON — United States Representative John Carney (D-DE) today issued the following statement on the anniversary of the September 11th terrorist attacks:

"Eleven years ago today, Americans were hit with the violence, sorrow, and sadness caused by the worst terrorist attack in our nation’s history.  We were all impacted.  Everyone knew someone who lost their life or was personally touched by the tragedy.  We were affected as a nation, and the impacts continue to shape our lives today.
But the attacks that were supposed to bring the United States to its knees, did just the opposite.  As Americans have done so often throughout our history, we came together.  We gathered to show our support for the victims.  We joined to show the pride we had in our police officers, firefighters, and first responders, including those from Delaware, who risked their own lives to save others.  We united as a community and as a nation. 
September 11th, 2001 will always be remembered as one of the worst days in American history.  We must never forget those we lost that day in New York City, Washington, and Shanksville, Pennsylvania.  Both the World Trade Center memorial and the tower that rises above New York City are powerful tributes to the victims and symbols of the strength and resilience of our nation.  
As we take time today for somber reflection on these tragic events, let us also celebrate the lives of those we lost and the heroism we witnessed.  Let us try to recapture the sense of patriotism and common purpose that we felt in the days after 9/11 to confront the challenges facing the nation today.  And, above all, let us cherish the enduring freedom that we enjoy as Americans.”
