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Federal Election Commission



News Releases


For Immediate Release


Judith Ingram

June 18, 2010

Julia Queen
  Christian Hilland
  Mary Brandenberger


WASHINGTON – The Federal Election Commission recently made public its final action on six matters under review (MURs). In one matter, respondents agreed to pay a civil penalty of $9,500 and disgorge $1,800 to the U.S. Treasury. In two matters, the Commission found no reason to believe respondents violated the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971, as amended (the Act). The Commission dismissed three other matters.

Under the law, the FEC must attempt to resolve its enforcement cases, or MURs, through a confidential investigative process that may lead to a negotiated conciliation agreement between the Commission and the individual or group.Additional information regarding MURs can be found on the FEC web site at

This release contains only summary information.For additional details, please consult publicly available documents for each case in the Enforcement Query System (EQS) on the FEC web site at

MUR 6241


Charlie Stuart for Congress and Charlie Stuart, in his official capacity as treasurer


FEC Initiated


In the normal course of carrying out its supervisory responsibilities, the Commission found that Charlie Stuart for Congress and Stuart, in his official capacity as treasurer, accepted prohibited corporate and excessive individual contributions. This matter covered campaign activity from Stuart’s 2006 candidacy for Florida’s 8th Congressional District.


The Commission found reason to believe the respondents violated the Act. In a conciliation agreement, respondents agreed to pay a civil penalty of $9,500 and to disgorge $1,800 to the U.S. Treasury representing the amount of uncashed refund checks issued to contributors who had made excessive or prohibited contributions.

MUR 6238


MYCONGRESSMANISNUTS.COM (MCIN) and Angie Langley, in her official capacity as treasurer; and Angie Langley


Rep. Alan Grayson


The complaint alleged that Langley, founder and treasurer of MYCONGRESSMANISNUTS.COM (MCIN) political committee (“the Committee”), raised funds under false pretenses by misrepresenting herself as a constituent of Rep. Grayson and misrepresenting the committee as supporting or opposing more than one candidate when it opposes only Grayson. The complaint alleged further that Langley misrepresented the committee as not being connected with any other organization in order to avoid contribution limits. Rep. Grayson represents Florida’s 8th Congressional District.


The Commission found no reason to believe the respondents violated the Act because, even if proved to be true, the allegations regarding fundraising under false pretenses and misrepresenting the committee as supporting or opposing more than one candidate would not constitute violations under the Act.  The Commission also found no reason to believe that the Committee was falsely misrepresented as a non-connected committee.

MUR 6255


Friends of Cliff Stearns and Kathleen Balboni, in her official capacity as treasurer; and National Multi Housing Council Political Action Committee (NMHC PAC) and James N. Arbury, in his official capacity as treasurer


Steven E. Schonberg


The complaint alleged that NMHC PAC and Arbury, in his official capacity as treasurer, made and Friends of Cliff Stearns and Balboni, in her official capacity as treasurer, accepted contributions in excess of the $5,000 multicandidate limit under the Act. Rep. Cliff Stearns is a 2010 candidate from Florida’s 6th Congressional District.


The Commission found no reason to believe the respondents violated the Act based on their response in this matter and disclosure reports to the agency that show the contributions were within the allowable limits.  

MUR 6264


Cory Ruth for Congress and Anthony Lewis, in his official capacity as treasurer


Jason Lee Childers


The complaint alleged that Cory Ruth for Congress and Lewis, in his official capacity as treasurer, failed to include the required disclaimers on campaign “push cards” (a term not defined by the Act) and the campaign’s official website. Cory Ruth is a 2010 primary election candidate from Georgia’s 4th Congressional District.


The Commission exercised its prosecutorial discretion and dismissed the matter in light of the respondents’ remedial action to include disclaimers on campaign materials, and in furtherance of Commission priorities and resources related to other matters .

MUR 6265


Gause for Congress and Lawrence F. Gause, in his official capacity as treasurer


Jason Lee Childers


The complaint alleged that Gause for Congress and Gause, in his official capacity as treasurer, failed to include the required disclaimers on the campaign’s “push cards” (a term not defined by the Act) and the campaign’s official website. Gause is a 2010 primary election candidate from Georgia’s 4th Congressional District.


The Commission exercised its prosecutorial discretion and dismissed the matter in light of the respondents’ remedial action to include disclaimers on campaign materials, and in furtherance of Commission priorities and resources related to other matters.  

MUR 6262


Susan Bitter Smith for Congress and Kelly Lawler, in her official capacity as treasurer


Arizona Democratic Party by its Executive Director, Luis Heredia


The complaint alleged that Susan Bitter Smith for Congress and Lawler, in her official capacity as treasurer, failed to include a proper disclaimer to indicate if the campaign paid for what was alleged to be the official campaign website. Susan Bitter Smith is a 2010 primary election candidate from Arizona’s 5th Congressional District.


The Commission exercised its prosecutorial discretion and dismissed the matter in light of the respondents’ statements that the website referenced in the complaint was in fact the personal website of the candidate, and not that of the campaign.

The Federal Election Commission (FEC) is an independent regulatory agency that administers and enforces federal campaign finance laws. The FEC has jurisdiction over the financing of campaigns for the U.S. House of Representatives, the U.S. Senate, the Presidency and the Vice Presidency. Established in 1975, the FEC is composed of six Commissioners who are nominated by the President and confirmed by the U.S. Senate.

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