ARM News


News and information from the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Climate Research Faciilty, a DOE scientific user facility.


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  1. 已轉推

    Arctic airspace for scientists' & experiments placed in Sandia’s stewardship

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  2. 已轉推

    takes . We're proud to be part of this exciting project. !

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  3. 已轉推

    Partnerships Put the “Go” in the GoAmazon 2014/15 Campaign

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  4. : Greg McFarquhar, , talks about using ARM aircraft during TWP-ICE to accomplish science goals.

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    The Future of Forecasting via

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    inventory and pack up before shipment to McMurdo!

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    Last day on the North Slope -- can't believe it's already been 2 weeks!

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  8. Discover how are getting atmospheric over the Ocean.

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    Expanding largest field measurement site to support integrated modeling - from

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    Limited flights during fog breaks today. Here is a low altitude pass.

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    Just sampled a nice cloudy-clear transition. DataHawks doing their thing!

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  12. Unmanned aerial systems are providing insight into previously unreachable areas.

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    Ceilings up, DataHawks flying again! Autopilot profiles to cloud base...

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  14. 已轉推

    It’s a bird, it’s a plane… DataHawk over ARM AMF3 on Saturday evening.

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  15. This just in: DataHawks were grounded only for Saturday morning and have been flying regularly ever since. Thanks !

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  16. How could something that weighs 2 pounds have big impact in the ?

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  17. 已轉推

    Bears are cool, but get in the way of field work. DataHawks grounded for now...

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  18. The ARM Board to review 17 campaign proposals during their annual meeting in August.

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  19. Gijs de Boer, , on to be gathered during the campaign.

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  20. MAGIC campaign PI, Ernie Lewis, , featured in July issue of EOS Earth and Space Science News.

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