U.S. Department of Commerce

Special Census Program

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Cost Estimates

Attention: We are not currently accepting requests for cost estimates. We expect to begin accepting requests for costs estimates in fall 2012

Requesting a Special Census Cost Estimate

The Special Census program is available to all local and tribal governments that need updated population, housing unit, and group quarters counts. To begin the process, a governmental unit must request an official cost estimate from the Census Bureau. Instructions are noted below. The cost estimate will outline all anticipated costs to the governmental unit for staffing, materials, data processing, and tabulation. Included with the cost estimate will be a Memorandum of Agreement. If the governmental unit decides to conduct the Special Census in their community, a signed Memorandum of Agreement and initial payment must be transmitted to the Census Bureau. Upon receipt, the Special Census process begins.

Cost Estimates for Full or Partial Special Censuses

The Special Census cost estimate request packet asks if you want to conduct a full or partial Special Census. A "full" Special Census means that you want your entire governmental unit, including newly annexed areas, included in the count. For a full Special Census, be sure to include your estimated population and housing unit counts for the entire jurisdiction as of the projected date of enumeration.

A "partial" Special Census means that you want only a portion of your governmental unit included in the count. Partial Special Census cost estimates require that you identify the specific geography you want included in your count, using 2010 Census block and tract numbers. Detailed reference maps showing 2010 Census block boundaries can be accessed at no charge through the Census Bureau's reference map site, located at http://www.census.gov/geo/www/maps/CP_MapProducts.htm (Note: We are working on updating program). Once you have identified specific blocks within specific census tracts (within specific counties) on these maps, include those block/tract numbers in the section II area of the Cost Estimate Worksheet titled "Area in Which Special Census is to be conducted". Also include the estimated population and estimated housing units for the specific blocks you have selected, not the whole jurisdiction.

Special Censuses Conducted Within the Next 12 Months

To request an official cost estimate for a Special Census that will occur within 1 calendar year, please complete the information contained in the Special Census cost estimate request packet [PDF 143k] and return via certified or regular mail to the address listed on page one of this packet. (Note: We are working on updating program) The cost of processing a Special Census cost estimate is $200. Once your request and payment are received by the Office of Special Censuses, a cost estimate and Memorandum of Agreement will be developed specifically for your jurisdiction and provided to you within 30 days. The cost estimate will be valid for 180 days once issued. A cost estimate that has not been accepted (by signing and returning the Memorandum of Agreement with initial payment) within 180 days is subject to revision to take into account any changes in wage rates or other estimated cost changes that may have occurred. If you plan to conduct your Special Census more than 1 year after the cost estimate is prepared, you need to request a revised cost estimate to ensure that anticipated costs are accurate.

Special Censuses Anticipated Beyond 1 year

If your governmental unit plans to conduct a Special Census more than 1 calendar year beyond today's date, we would like to hear from you. Please inform the Census Bureau of your interest via e-mail. Include the proposed date (month and year) you would like the Special Census to occur in your jurisdiction, as well as whom we should contact if more information is needed. There is no processing fee to the governmental unit to provide tentative dates, nor is there any guarantee that proposed dates will be available for a Special Census. Rather, this is a simple mechanism to help the Census Bureau plan for the anticipated 600 Special Censuses that will be conducted during this decade.

If you need additional information, please call Michael A. Hall or T.C. Bowser at the Office of Special Censuses, 301-763-1429, or send an e-mail to SpecialCensusProgram@census.gov

[PDF] or PDF denotes a file in Adobe’s Portable Document Format. To view the file, you will need the Adobe® Reader® Off Site available free from Adobe. This symbol Off Site indicates a link to a non-government web site. Our linking to these sites does not constitute an endorsement of any products, services or the information found on them. Once you link to another site you are subject to the policies of the new site.
Source: U.S. Census Bureau | Partnership and Data Services Branch | fld.pds.web.support@census.gov | Last Revised: June 27, 2012