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Search Results: average
The search returned 1630 matches:
Keyword: average
Figure/Table TitleTopic AreaSourceYear
1. Average base teaching salary of beginning public school teachers, by selected teacher and school characteristics: School years 2007-08, 2008-09, 2009-10
(View Table/Figure)
Teacher Beginning Teacher Longitudinal Study (BTLS) 2009
2. Average salaries for full-time teachers in public and private elementary and secondary schools, by selected characteristics: 2007-08
(View Table/Figure)
References/Other Digest of Education Statistics 2011
3. Average reading scale scores of 4th- and 8th-graders in public schools and percentage scoring at or above selected reading achievement levels, by English language learner (ELL) status and state: 2011
(View Table/Figure)
References/Other Digest of Education Statistics 2011
4. Estimated average annual salary of teachers in public elementary and secondary schools: Selected years, 1959-60 through 2010-11
(View Table/Figure)
References/Other Digest of Education Statistics 2011
5. Average graduate and first-professional tuition and required fees in degree-granting institutions, by first-professional field of study and control of institution: 1989-90 through 2010-11
(View Table/Figure)
References/Other Digest of Education Statistics 2011
6. Average number of Carnegie units earned by public high school graduates in career/technical education courses in various occupational fields, by sex and race/ethnicity, and percentage distribution of students, by units earned: Selected years, 2000 through 2009
(View Table/Figure)
References/Other Digest of Education Statistics 2011
7. Average arts scale score of 8th-graders, percentage distribution by frequency of instruction, and percentage participating in selected activities, by subject and selected student and school characteristics: 2008
(View Table/Figure)
References/Other Digest of Education Statistics 2011
8. Number of children under 6 years old and not yet enrolled in kindergarten, percentage in center-based programs, average weekly hours in nonparental care, and percentage in various types of primary care arrangements, by selected child and family characteristics: 2005
(View Table/Figure)
References/Other Digest of Education Statistics 2011
9. Highest degree earned, years of full-time teaching experience, and average class size for teachers in public elementary and secondary schools, by state: 2007-08
(View Table/Figure)
References/Other Digest of Education Statistics 2011
10. Average number of Carnegie units earned by public high school graduates in various subject fields, by sex and race/ethnicity: Selected years, 1982 through 2009
(View Table/Figure)
References/Other Digest of Education Statistics 2011
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National Center for Education Statistics -
U.S. Department of Education