The Office of the Chaplain United States House of Representatives

Opening Prayer

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Reverend Patrick J. Conroy,SJ

Loving and gracious God, we give You thanks for giving us another day and for a safe return to Washington.

Bless the Members of this assembly as they set upon the important work that faces them. Help them to make wise decisions in a good manner and to carry their responsibilities steadily, with high hopes for a better future for our great Nation.

May they be empowered by what they have heard during their home district visits to work together. May the energy they have derived from respective party conventions be merged into a common sense of hope for our great Nation.

On this day, which has become a day of national mourning, help us to remember as well the renewed sense of national courage and resolve that we need to work toward a better future. May we all be inspired by the heroism of so many 11 years ago to be the best that we can be this day.

May all that is done today in the people's House be for Your greater honor and glory.
