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Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
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What's New

Items carried under Recent Developments, statistical releases issued less frequently than weekly, and other items posted over the past two weeks. Meetings of the Federal Reserve Board and all statistical releases are shown elsewhere.

September 12 Interest on Required Balances and Excess Balances
Maintenance period ending September 12, 2012
September 11 Press Release
Federal Reserve announces results of auction of $3 billion in 28-day term deposits held on September 10, 2012
September 10 Statistical Release
G.19 Consumer Credit
September 10 Regulatory Reform
Communications with the public through September 10, 2012
September 7 Credit and Liquidity Programs and the Balance Sheet
Recent balance sheet trends, weekly chart data update
September 6 Press Release
Federal Reserve Board announces termination of enforcement action against Rosholt Bancorporation, Inc.
September 5 IFDP 2012-55
International Relative Price Levels: A Look Under the Hood
September 5 Interest on Required Balances and Excess Balances
Maintenance period ending September 5, 2012
September 5 Statistical Release
Charge-Off and Delinquency Rates on Loans at Commercial Banks
September 5 Press Release
Federal Reserve offers $3 billion in 28-day term deposits through its Term Deposit Facility
September 5 Supervision Manuals
Bank Holding Company Supervision Manual
September 4 IFDP 2012-54
Commodity Price Movements in a General Equilibrium Model of Storage
September 4 IFDP 2012-53
Heterogeneous Workers, Optimal Job Seeking, and Aggregate Labor Market Dynamics
September 4 IFDP 2012-52
Individual Price Adjustment Along the Extensive Margin
September 4 FEDS 2012-58
Effective Tax Rates and Measures of Business Size
September 4 FEDS 2012-57
Expectations about the Federal Reserve's Balance Sheet and the Term Structure of Interest Rates
September 4 FEDS 2012-56
The Federal Reserve's Balance Sheet: A Primer and Projections
September 4 Statistical Release
G.5 Foreign Exchange Rates (Monthly)
August 31 Press Release
Federal Reserve Board approves application by Old National Bancorp
August 31 Speech by Chairman Ben S. Bernanke
Monetary Policy since the Onset of the Crisis
August 31 Credit and Liquidity Programs and the Balance Sheet
Recent balance sheet trends, weekly chart data update
August 30 Press Release
Federal Reserve Board issues enforcement action against MNB Holdings Corporation
Last update: September 12, 2012