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Press Release

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The legal drinking age is 21. Thanks for not providing alcohol to teens.

As teens around the country return to school, the national We Don’t Serve Teens program is once again targeting easy teen access to alcohol. Over the past two decades – following adoption of the legal drinking age of 21 – drinking by high school seniors has dropped substantially. It’s a law that protects kids.

Too many teens still drink, though. Where do they get the alcohol? A U.S. government survey shows that most of them do not pay for it. Instead, they get it from older friends, from family members, at parties, or they take it from their home, or someone else’s, without permission.

“Most adults support the legal drinking age. In fact, only 9% of American adults think that it is ok for adults to provide alcohol to underage youth.” said [YOUR ORGANIZATION’S SPOKESPERSON AND TITLE]. So, if you learn that someone is thinking of providing alcohol to teens, tell them it is a bad idea.” [NAME] added, “Don’t know how to answer questions about underage drinking? Go to www.DontServeTeens.gov for more information.”

The We Don’t Serve Teens campaign, sponsored by a coalition of public and private sector organizations, including the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), has been recognized by the U.S. House and Senate. The FTC prepared and maintains www.DontServeTeens.gov.

Don't serve alcohol to teens.

It's unsafe. It's illegal. It's irresponsible.