Today's Military:

About Us

The Today’s Military website is produced by the United States Department of Defense. This site is not intended as a recruiting tool for any branch of the U.S. Military. Rather, it was developed as a resource for parents, educators and young adults curious about military service.

Every day, many thousands of servicemembers devote themselves to protecting freedoms, maintaining peace, providing relief and supporting policy around the globe. The environments can be dangerous. The conditions can be challenging. The stakes are always high. And though 91 percent of military jobs are not in direct combat operations, rigorous personal demands are the rule. It requires self-discipline, education, intense physical work and a dedication to excellence. Deployments can mean extended periods away from friends and family. But, for many, the benefits of Service – training, honor, education, adventure, travel, pay and self-discovery – can be tremendous.

With cooperation from the Service branches, this site strives to paint an accurate picture of life in today’s Military. Interviews with active-duty servicemembers provide genuine insight into the challenges and rewards of service. Interactive tools allow the user to explore the range of military career opportunities and get an idea of what to expect. Users can estimate military pay and explore the less tangible benefits of Service. We sincerely hope this site will foster many conversations and, ultimately, help you make the right decision for your future or the future of someone you care about.

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