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April 2012 Surface Trade with Canada and Mexico Rose 8.2 Percent from April 2011


BTS 30-12
Dave Smallen

Figure 1. North American Surface Trade, Five Years: May 2007-April 2012

Table Version | Excel | CSV

Figure 1. North American Surface Trade, Five Years: May 2007-April 2012.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012 - Trade using surface transportation between the United States and its North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) partners, Canada and Mexico, was 8.2 percent higher in April 2012 than in April 2011, totaling $79.8 billion (Table 1), according to the Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) of the U.S. Department of Transportation. 

BTS, a part of the Research and Innovative Technology Administration, reported that the April 2012 value of U.S. surface transportation trade with Canada and Mexico rose 7.4 percent from April 2008, early in the recession, and increased by 60.4 percent from April 2009, late in the recession (Table 3). Numbers in the press release are not adjusted for inflation.

The value of U.S. surface transportation trade with Canada and Mexico in April increased by 70.5 percent compared to April 2002, a period of 10 years. Imports in April were up 60.2 percent since April 2002, while exports were up 84.3 percent (Table 3).  See Transborder Press Releases for historical data.

Surface transportation includes freight movements by truck, rail, pipeline, mail, Foreign Trade Zones, and other modes of transport.  In April, 86.5 percent of U.S. trade by value with Canada and Mexico moved via land, 9.8 percent moved by vessel, and 3.7 percent moved by air (Figure 2).

Figure 2. North American Freight by Mode, April 2012

Table Version | Excel | CSV

Figure 2. North American Freight by Mode, April 2012

The value of U.S. surface transportation trade with Canada and Mexico decreased 7.0 percent in April 2012 from March 2012 (Table 2). Month-to-month changes can be affected by seasonal variations and other factors such as weather.

U.S.-Canada and U.S.-Mexico surface transportation trade in April 2012 both increased compared to April 2011 with U.S.-Canada trade reaching $47.2 billion, a 5.6 percent increase, and U.S.-Mexico trade reaching $32.6 billion, a 12.0 percent increase. For trade statistics by mode, see Table 4 for Canada and Table 6 for Mexico.

In April, Michigan led all states in surface trade with Canada as it has in previous years, at $5.9 billion, a 1.5 percent increase from April 2011 (Table 5).  Of the top 10 states by value, California had the largest percentage increase over April 2011, at 23.0 percent.

The top commodity category transported between the U.S. and Canada by all surface modes of transportation in April was non-railway vehicles, valued at $9.3 billion (Table 8). 

Texas continued to lead all states in surface trade with Mexico at $11.7 billion, a 15.9 percent increase from April 2011 (Table 7).  Of the top 10 states by value, Tennessee had the biggest percentage increase, 31.4 percent.  The top commodity category transported between the U.S. and Mexico by surface modes of transportation in April was electrical machinery with $6.7 billion in trade (Table 9). 

For more information, see Transborder Press Releases for previous press releases and summary tables. See TransBorder Freight Data for data from previous months, and individual state data.  BTS has scheduled release of May TransBorder numbers for July 31.

Table 1. Value of Monthly U.S. Surface Transportation Trade with Canada and Mexico

(millions of current dollars)

Excel | CSV

Month 2010 2011 2012 Percent Change 2010-2011 Percent Change 2011-2012
January 56,697 67,734 75,534 19.5 11.5
February 59,492 66,534 78,135 11.8 17.4
March 69,943 80,822 85,827 15.6 6.2
April 65,831 73,767 79,784 12.1 8.2
May 66,805 77,318   15.7  
June 69,859 77,521   11.0  
July 61,260 72,363   18.1  
August 67,964 80,406   18.3  
September 68,324 77,725   13.8  
October 70,565 79,040   12.0  
November 68,060 76,672   12.7  
December 66,530 74,230   11.6  
Year-to-date 251,962 288,857 319,280 14.6 10.5
Annual 791,329 904,133   14.3  

SOURCE: BTS TransBorder Freight Data,

NOTE: Numbers might not add to totals due to rounding. Percent changes based on numbers prior to rounding.

Table 2. U.S. Surface Trade with Canada and Mexico by Surface Modes of Transportation

(millions of current dollars)

Excel | CSV

Mode   April 2011 March 2012 April 2012 Percent Change March 2012 - April 2012 Percent Change April 2011 - 2012
All Surface Modes Imports 39,543 46,132 42,856 -7.1 8.4
Exports 34,224 39,695 36,928 -7.0 7.9
Total 73,767 85,827 79,784 -7.0 8.2
Truck Imports 24,626 28,932 26,791 -7.4 8.8
Exports 26,329 30,826 28,419 -7.8 7.9
Rail Imports 8,199 9,352 8,807 -5.8 7.4
Exports 4,528 5,313 5,156 -2.9 13.9
Pipeline Imports 5,510 6,400 6,035 -5.7 9.5
Exports 981 889 771 -13.3 -21.4

SOURCE: BTS TransBorder Freight Data,

NOTES: Numbers might not add to totals due to rounding.   Percent changes based on numbers prior to rounding.  The value of trade for all surface modes is not equal to the sum of truck, rail and pipeline modes, it also includes shipments made by mail, foreign trade zones, and other transportation.  For additional detail, please refer to the “Data Fields” section of the TransBorder web page:

Table 3. April 2012 Surface Trade with Canada and Mexico Compared with April of Prior Years

Excel | CSV

Compared to April in... Percent Change
Imports Exports Total Surface Trade
2011 8.4 7.9 8.2
2010 19.8 22.9 21.2
2009 60.4 60.4 60.4
2008 1.5 15.1 7.4
2007 16.1 31.4 22.7
2006 22.0 38.7 29.2
2005 29.1 47.1 36.9
2004 41.0 62.0 50.0
2003 61.5 81.8 70.3
2002 60.2 84.3 70.5

SOURCE: BTS TransBorder Freight Data,

Table 4. U.S. Merchandise Trade with Canada by Surface Modes of Transportation

(millions of current dollars)

Excel | CSV

Mode   April 2011 March 2012 April 2012 Percent Change March 2012 - April 2012 Percent Change April 2011 - 2012
All Surface Modes Imports 23,120 25,963 24,667 -5.0 6.7
Exports 21,519 24,161 22,483 -6.9 4.5
Total 44,639 50,124 47,150 -5.9 5.6
Truck Imports 11,055 12,271 11,876 -3.2 7.4
Exports 16,465 18,620 17,116 -8.1 4.0
Rail Imports 5,678 6,199 5,873 -5.2 3.4
Exports 2,514 2,939 2,841 -3.3 13.0
Pipeline Imports 5,483 6,376 6,016 -5.6 9.7
Exports 692 574 529 -8.0 -23.6

SOURCE: BTS TransBorder Freight Data,

NOTES: Numbers might not add to totals due to rounding.   Percent changes based on numbers prior to rounding.  The value of trade for all surface modes is not equal to the sum of truck, rail and pipeline modes, it also includes shipments made by mail, foreign trade zones, and other transportation.  For additional detail, please refer to the “Data Fields” section of the TransBorder web page:

Table 5. Top 10 States Trading with Canada by All Surface Modes of Transportation

Ranked by April 2012 Surface Trade Value

(millions of current dollars)

Excel | CSV

State April 2011 April 2012 Percent Change April 2011-2012
Value Rank Value Rank
Michigan 5,824 1 5,911 1 1.5
Illinois 4,507 2 5,375 2 19.3
California 2,450 6 3,012 3 23.0
Ohio 2,768 3 2,868 4 3.6
Texas 2,636 4 2,795 5 6.0
New York 2,596 5 2,430 6 -6.4
Pennsylvania 1,662 8 1,749 7 5.2
Indiana 1,572 9 1,637 8 4.2
Minnesota 1,261 10 1,526 9 21.0
Washington 1,788 7 1,526 10 -14.7

SOURCE: BTS TransBorder Freight Data,

NOTES: Numbers might not add to totals due to rounding.  Percent changes based on numbers prior to rounding.

Table 6. U.S. Merchandise Trade with Mexico by Surface Modes of Transportation

(millions of current dollars)

Excel | CSV

Mode   April 2011 March 2012 April 2012 Percent Change March 2012 - April 2012 Percent Change April 2011 - 2012
All Surface Modes Imports 16,423 20,169 18,189 -9.8 10.8
Exports 12,705 15,533 14,444 -7.0 13.7
Total 29,128 35,703 32,633 -8.6 12.0
Truck Imports 13,572 16,662 14,915 -10.5 9.9
Exports 9,864 12,206 11,303 -7.4 14.6
Rail Imports 2,521 3,154 2,934 -7.0 16.4
Exports 2,014 2,373 2,315 -2.4 15.0
Pipeline Imports 26 24 20 -17.0 -24.5
Exports 289 315 242 -23.1 -16.3

SOURCE: BTS TransBorder Freight Data,

NOTES: Numbers might not add to totals due to rounding.   Percent changes based on numbers prior to rounding. The value of trade for all surface modes is not equal to the sum of truck, rail and pipeline modes, it also includes shipments made by mail, foreign trade zones, and other transportation.  For additional details, please refer to the “Data Fields” section of the TransBorder web page:

Table 7. Top 10 States Trading with Mexico by All Surface Modes of Transportation

Ranked by April 2012 Surface Trade Value

(millions of current dollars)

Excel | CSV

State April 2011 April 2012 Percent Change April 2011-2012
Value Rank Value Rank
Texas 10,132 1 11,745 1 15.9
California 4,202 2 4,623 2 10.0
Michigan 3,269 3 3,856 3 17.9
Arizona 1,044 5 1,131 4 8.4
Illinois 1,062 4 1,126 5 6.0
Ohio 804 6 865 6 7.6
Tennessee 504 8 662 7 31.4
Indiana 540 7 593 8 9.8
North Carolina 454 10 541 9 19.1
Pennsylvania 437 11 450 10 3.1

SOURCE: BTS TransBorder Freight Data,

NOTE: Percent changes based on numbers prior to rounding

Table 8. Top Five Commodities Transported between the U.S. and Canada by All Surface Modes of Transportation, April 2012

(millions of current dollars)

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Commodities Exports Imports Total
Vehicles Other than Railway 4,653 4,655 9,307
Oil and Gas 1,063 7,247 8,309
Computer-Related Machinery and Parts 3,717 1,533 5,250
Electrical Machinery; Equipment and Parts 1,816 570 2,386
Plastics 1,069 952 2,021

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Transportation, Research and Innovative Technology Administration, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, based on Transborder Freight Data, available at, as of April 20, 2012.

NOTE: Numbers may not add to totals due to rounding.

Table 9. Top Five Commodities Transported between the U.S. and Mexico by All Surface Modes of Transportation, April 2012

(millions of current dollars)

Excel | CSV

Commodities Exports Imports Total
Electrical Machinery; Equipment and Parts 2,550 4,158 6,708
Computer-Related Machinery and Parts 2,679 3,509 6,188
Vehicles Other than Railway 1,564 4,082 5,646
Plastics 1,087 302 1,389
Measuring and Testing Instruments 370 797 1,168

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Transportation, Research and Innovative Technology Administration, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, based on Transborder Freight Data, available at, as of April 13, 2012.

NOTE: Numbers may not add to totals due to rounding.

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