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You are welcome to call me or send me a message through the U.S. Postal Service, but please note that postal mail is the slowest method for contacting me. All postal mail sent to my offices must be scanned for security purposes, which means it will take an additional two weeks for my staff and me to receive it.

If you prefer, please contact us by email. If you are interested in inviting me or a member of my staff to an event or to request a meeting with the office, please fill out the scheduling request form.


Reno Office

400 S. Virginia St., Suite 502
Reno, NV 89501

Phone: (775) 686-5760

District Director -- Stacy Parobek                               

Senior Field Representative -- Ken Gray

Constituent Service Representative -- Arturo Garzon

Constituent Service Representative -- Alex Bacchus

Constituent Service Representative -- Elyse Monroy

Staff Assistant -- Stephanie Walker  

Staff Assistant -- Robert Gastonguay


Elko Office

Elko Office
905 Railroad Street, Suite 104 D
Elko, NV 89801

Phone: (775) 777-7705

Rural Representative -- Meghan Brown


Washington, D.C. Office

125 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Phone: (202) 225-6155

Chief of Staff -- Rick Goddard

Scheduler -- Paige Hensgens

Legislative Director -- Bruce Miller  

Communications Director -- Brian Baluta

Legislative Counsel -- Candice Hance

Legislative Assistant -- Jason Riederer

Legislative Correspondent -- Kyle Thomas

Staff Assistant -- Melissa King