HHS Innovations Team Is Connecting with You!

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By Steven Randazzo | On Tue, 09/11/2012 - 4:01pm

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Innovation Team is taking new steps to make it easier for people to connect and find information on our innovation activities. As an example, we have used Twitter to promote the first time public voting for selecting input on the HHSinnovates Program.

Here are some of the ways we are connecting with you. 

HHS Innovation Team Update – This monthly newsletter highlights the major activities and opportunities from the HHS Innovation Team.  Included in this feature are announcements of new programs, new challenge competition opportunities, data sets, and other exciting news. Subscribe here, and stay up-to-date on what’s going on.

Data Weekly News Clips – Find out what is going on in the world of open data.  Subscribe to receive a weekly email of topical stories in the news about not just health data, but all open data.  The Innovation Team recognizes the importance of what’s going on in the data and technology environment, and this is just one mechanism it is using to stay informed and inform others.

In addition to these new features, the HHS Innovation Team is uses an array of social media channels to engage the public, including two blogs, Facebook, LinkdIn and Twitter.

Blogs – The Innovation Team is featuring new information on two blogs; the HealthData.gov Blog and HHS.gov/open Blog. The HealthData.gov Blog features information about new data sets, specific information from data owners, highlights of entrepreneurs using open health data to create new applications to improve health for consumers, communities and providers.  The HHS.gov/open Blog features more general innovation activities from HHS, including the HHSinnovates Program, the HHS Innovation Fellows Program and information about Challenges and Competitions. 

Facebook – The innovation team has a brand new Facebook page, called the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Innovations! While we have been active on Twitter, we wanted to do some more in depth engagement and Facebook  allows us to engage in more than 140 characters.   On our page you will find highlights coming from the HHS Innovation Team, but more importantly, it is an avenue in which you can engage directly with us.

LinkedIn – In addition to being new to Facebook, the Innovation Team is now using LinkedIn to connect innovators.  Instead of creating a new account for LinkedIn, the Team is bringing the information directly to you by participating in already established LinkedIn Groups that have been working in the areas we care about the most. The first groups we are participating in are the Digital Health Group lead by Paul Sonnier of Popper and Company and HHS’s own HealthyPeople 2020.  Much of what the Innovation Team does is around engagement of business, entrepreneurs, and health care professionals, many of which are active on LinkedIn.   Look for us more places on LinkedIn.

@HealthDatagov – Is the HHS Innovation Teams main Twitter account.  From this account you will see announcements about new opportunities, new blog posts, and information from others on Twitter that we think is important (which could also be something you post).   Be sure to follow us and remember if you have a question, just ask!

In addition to having a main Twitter account for the Innovation Team, most of the team members have their own accounts as well.  Team members include:

@BryanSivak – Bryan is the Chief Technology Officer and Entrepreneur in Residence for the Department of Health and Human Services.  Given his diverse background in tech and his position here at HHS, Bryan often tweets about new opportunities, inside and outside to HHS, exciting events he is attending, and awesome new applications. 

@GHideas – Aman works on just about anything to do with Innovation.  Primarily known as the guy who knows everyone, Aman has a primary role in bringing data owners and entrepreneurs together.  On Twitter, Aman is active and tweets about anything open government, innovation, and technology.

@pgrahamjones – Pierce is the Innovator in Residence and is on a fellowship from the West Wireless Health Institute.  While at HHS, Pierce is working with the five Health Data Affiliates and on Blue Button.  Check out Pierce’s feed to see what he is up to.

@AK_Chatterjee – Arnaub is one of the main drivers of the new HHS Innovation Fellows Program and also plays a significant role in the Health Data Initiative, including bringing data owners and entrepreneurs together. Arnaub tweets about the new HHS Innovation Fellows Program, open data, innovation, and technology.

@WorkSteven – Steven works on communications for the HHS Innovation Team, so if you have suggestions or questions about how the team is communicating, let him know.  Steven tweets about new announcements from the team and HHS, including new issues of the news letter, weekly data clips and blog posts.

We recognize that sharing information is important, but also that communication is a two way street.  So if you see us online, feel free to leave a comment in the comment box, or send us a Tweet or post on our Facebook wall. We want to hear from you! Feedback is extremely important to us and the process of innovation.

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