If you have a problem with a bank or other financial institution, contact the Federal Reserve for help.

Federal Reserve Consumer Complaint Process

The graphic below illustrates and explains the Federal Reserve's Consumer Complaint Process, starting when you submit a complaint and ending with the results of an investigation.

Illustration of Federal Reserve Consumer Complaint Process
Step 1The complaint process begins when you submit a complaint to a Federal Reserve Consumer Help (FRCH) representative either online or by mail, fax, or phone.
Step 2Upon receiving your complaint, a FRCH representative determines the appropriate federal regulator to address your complaint. Within 15 business days, you will receive an acknowledgement letter containing contact information for the federal regulator or Reserve Bank that will investigate your complaint. Please note complaints handled by a Reserve Bank must be submitted in writing.
Step 3Federal regulators other than the Federal Reserve System process complaints based on their own established investigation procedures. Contact the federal regulator indicated in your acknowledgement letter if you have questions about the status of your complaint.
Step 4The appropriate Reserve Bank investigates complaints handled by the Federal Reserve. Contact the Reserve Bank indicated in your acknowledgement letter if you have any questions about the status of your complaint.
Step 5The Reserve Bank handling your complaint notifies you of the investigation results within 60 days after it receives your complaint.