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Peak Underground Working Natural Gas Storage Capacity
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Posted September 12, 2012Today in Energy

Working natural gas storage capacity grows 3% year-over-year ›

EIA estimates that the demonstrated peak working gas capacity for underground storage in the Lower 48 states rose 3%, or 136 billion cubic feet (Bcf), to 4,239 Bcf in 2012 compared with 2011. EIA's report compares data from April to April; since April 2012, EIA analysts said 7.5 Bcf has been added to working gas storage capacity cited in the report, and they estimated that another 32 Bcf could potentially be added by year-end. More

Graph of natural gas storage capacity, as explained in article text

Source: EIA, Peak Underground Working Natural Gas Storage Capacity Report.


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Data Highlights

Crude oil futures price

9/11/2012: $97.17/bbl

up$1.87 from week earlier
up$8.98 from year earlier

Natural gas futures price

9/11/2012: $2.992/mmBtu

up$0.138 from week earlier
down$0.893 from year earlier

Retail gasoline price

9/10/2012: $3.847/gal

up$0.004 from week earlier
up$0.186 from year earlier

Crude oil inventories

9/7/2012: 359.1 mmbbl

up2.0 mmbbl from week earlier
up12.7 mmbbl from year earlier

Weekly coal production

9/1/2012: 20.129 million tons

down0.168 million tons from week earlier
down1.297 million tons from year earlier


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