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TradeU.S. Customs and Border Protection will facilitate about $2 trillion in legitimate trade this year while enforcing U.S. trade laws that protect the economy, the health and the safety of the American people. We accomplish this through close partnerships with the trade community, other government agencies and foreign governments. Subscribe to trade updates
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CBP Unified Business Resumption Messaging
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Trade News
Trade Publications
Federal Register Notices 2012 - GPO Access
HTS by Chapter

Acting Commissioner Announces Expansion of Simplified Entry/Cargo Release Pilot
On August 15, 2012, Acting CBP Commissioner David Aguilar announced plans for the further expansion of the pilot test of Simplified Entry (SE) for the Air Mode of Transportation to additional ports and participants. Simplified Entry is the first phase of Cargo Release in the Automated Commercial Environment (ACE). Please reference the attached notice for additional information on the SE expansion.

e-Manifest: Rail & Sea (M1) Webinar

On June 13 and 14, CBP hosted two webinars for the ocean and rail carrier community, highlighting the steps necessary to begin using ACE rail and sea manifest and the necessity to begin the process sooner rather than later.

Use of Single Transaction Bonds as Additional Security for Antidumping and Countervailing Concerns

Simplified Entry Pilot Successful (pdf - 29 KB.)

U.S. Customs and Border Protection Announces Two New Centers of Excellence and Expertise

Disclosure of Information for Certain Intellectual Property Rights Enforced at the Border

Request for Advance Public Comments on the Proposed Administration of Additional U.S. Note 5 to Chapter 64, HTSUS

CTAC News Releases
The Import Safety Commercial Targeting and Analysis Center (CTAC) is a U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) facility designed to streamline and enhance federal efforts to address import safety issues.

Commodity Status Report for Tariff Rate Quotas
The weekly commodity status report is for imported agriculture, food products, textile products, and other merchandise subject to Tariff Rate Quotas/Tariff Preference Levels.

Textiles and Apparel Enforcement Statistics
These statistics reflect the results of CBP’s assertive approach to textile enforcement

Quota Book Transmittals (QBTs)
Quota information issued for the trade community by the HQ Quota Branch, Textile/Apparel Policy and Programs Division

Trade News
Significant Trade Activities

IPR News Releases

Trade Trends
The U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) is pleased to present the Import Trade Trends Report. This report is produced biannually and features graphical analysis and trade highlights.

IPR Seizure Statistics
Theft of America’s intellectual property is a serious crime that threatens American economic competitiveness, the health and safety of our consumers, and our national security. As America’s frontline, CBP protects our nation everyday through an aggressive IPR enforcement program. CBP targets and seizes counterfeit and pirated goods that cross our border, and enforces exclusion orders on patent-infringing and other IPR violative goods. CBP works closely with private industry, other federal agencies and foreign governments to enhance global IPR enforcement and allow innovation to flourish.

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