Content Feeds

Put your analytics to work for you!

Use our API to access RSS and JSON feeds of your top content. Incorporating these feeds into your pages and widgets will surface your best content to users and invite them to click on interesting parts of your site. For easy implementation on your site, use our Trending content box.

Get Your API Endpoint


We offer three kinds of feeds depending on the type of activity you want to leverage:

A feed of your content that is growing in popularity.
A feed of your most shared content.
A feed of your most clicked content. You must have click tracking turned on to use this feed.


Here are some different ways to use our feeds. These examples are built from the sharing activity on our blog for which we've enabled the feeds. Make sure to replace atblog with your own publisher profile ID to access top content for your own site.

RSS feed of my top trending content on facebook
JSON feed of my most emailed content this month
JSONP request for the most clicked urls on my home domain

Enabling Your Feeds

Before you can use your content feeds you must enable them for your publisher profile. To do this, visit your profile settings page and choose the profile you'd like to access (you may have only one profile). Scroll down to content feeds, select the checkbox and click save to enable your feed.

Your content feeds are turned off by default because they contain data that was formerly private to your account. To function properly, the feeds must be publicly accessible by the internet so they can be integrated into web pages, widgets and feed readers. When you enable your content feeds you make this data public. Most publishers are ok with this but we offer our feeds as an opt-in feature so you can keep control over your data. The rest of your analytics data will remain private and can be accessed via our password protected analytics api.


To access your feed choose your feed type, locate your pubid from your profile settings page and build a request url as shown below.

Request URL Format<type>.<format>?pubid=<pubid>[&<optional parameters>]

Feed Format

Feeds can be requested in RSS or JSON format by including the .rss or .json extension on the url. If you prefer a JSONP response you can make a .json request and pass a callback=<function> url parameter.

Feed Parameters

These settings allow you to control the time range used to compute your feed data and filter by a specific domain or service.

Name Description Value Example Default
pubid Publisher profile ID for the feed you wish to retrieve. <publisher profile ID> &pubid=atblog required
period Show urls for a specific time range, starting from yesterday going back a number of days equal to the specified period. day|week|month &period=week day
domain Show urls on a specific domain <domain name> & all domains on your account
service Show urls that were shared or clicked to/from a specific service. <service code> &service=email,print all services

Response Data

Responses will contain up to 20 of your urls, starting with your most active url and sorted in descending order. The feed data is computed based on how much users have shared and clicked our content using AddThis tools. If you're just starting out with AddThis the feeds may not have any data yet. If your website has a modest amount of traffic, try the week or month period to increase your scope. The content of your feeds will change on a daily basis as sharing happens on your site.

Example RSS Response:

<rss version="2.0">
    <title>Most Shared Content</title>
    <description>Feed of urls that were most shared from AddThis</description>
    <pubDate>Fri, 04 Feb 2011 20:50:32 -0500</pubDate>
      <title>AddThis Blog » Blog Archive » Sharing Trends in 2010</title>

Example JSON Response:

        title: "AddThis Users Help Make AddThis Better"


We attach tags to content feeds URLs so we can measure clicks and optimize your feed content. URLs in your content feeds will look like this:

We'll respect your URLs if they already have fragments - we'll keep the existing fragment intact, though this will limit our ability to measure clicks. We're also using these tags to build content feed analytics so you can see how many views they're driving within your site. Reporting will be available in the coming months.

If you'd rather disable these features you can pass tag=false on your content feed requests, like this:

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