Sam Stein
Sam Stein is a Political Reporter at the Huffington Post, based in Washington, D.C. Previously he has worked for Newsweek magazine, the New York Daily News and the investigative journalism group Center for Public Integrity. He has a masters from the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism and is a graduate of Dartmouth College. Sam can be reached at

Blog Entries by Sam Stein

Romney Campaign Asks Florida Governor To Downplay Good Economic News

(2024) Comments | Posted June 20, 2012 | 11:43 PM

NEW YORK -- There has always been friction between Mitt Romney and certain Republican governors over how best to frame the state of the economy. While the presumptive GOP nominee has argued during his campaign that the recovery is far too slow, the electoral implications for making that case in...

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Obama Campaign Expects $100 Million Month From Mitt Romney

(13591) Comments | Posted June 20, 2012 | 4:05 PM

WASHINGTON -- Top officials with President Obama's campaign warned in stark terms on Wednesday that they will be outspent by their Republican counterparts during the course of the 2012 election.

Speaking on background to a gathering of Washington, D.C.-based reporters, these officials predicted a $1 billion combined anti-Obama effort from...

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Obama Executive Privilege Asserted Over Fast And Furious Documents

(37533) Comments | Posted June 20, 2012 | 10:14 AM

President Barack Obama has asserted executive privilege in response to requests made by Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.), chairman of the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, who has embarked on a controversial investigation into the Department of Justice's Operation Fast and Furious gun-running program.

The invocation of executive...

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Romney On Auto Bailout: I Would Have Done It Faster And Saved $20 Billion

(249) Comments | Posted June 19, 2012 | 9:19 PM

As part of his swing through Michigan on Tuesday, Mitt Romney and his wife, Ann, did several sit-down interviews with local television stations. And, as usually is the case in the Wolverine State, the governor was pressed to explain his sometimes-tortured position on the bailout of the automobile industry.

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At Sheldon Adelson's Casino Empire, Only A Dozen Donate To Candidates But They Give Millions

(230) Comments | Posted June 19, 2012 | 7:35 PM

WASHINGTON -- Just a dozen people in Sheldon Adelson's casino empire have made political donations during the 2012 election cycle, but these contributions exceed $25 million, according to a review of campaign finance filings through May.

The numbers not only illustrate a singular company's emergence as a major political...

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Romney Hopes To Have Immigration Reform Done By Time He Takes Office

(9811) Comments | Posted June 18, 2012 | 8:56 PM

Mitt Romney was asked during his interview with Fox News on Monday to address once again President Barack Obama's decision to stop deporting undocumented youth who have graduated from high school or served in the military. And for the second time in as many days, he stayed vague on whether...

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In The Age Of Super PACs, Political Operatives Mull Going Positive

(277) Comments | Posted June 18, 2012 | 5:41 PM

WASHINGTON -- While positive campaigning is not a panacea for a candidate seeking to neutralize a well-funded opponent, there are upsides to 'going nice,' Bill James, the guru of Moneyball, advised in an interview with The Huffington Post.

For a campaign that is short on cash and in...

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Mitt Romney: Dressage 'Is Actually Ann's Passion, Not So Much Mine'

(2265) Comments | Posted June 18, 2012 | 4:58 PM

In an interview with Fox News, Mitt Romney was asked to respond to the news that his wife's horse would be competing in the Olympics dressage competition, as well as the notion that the sport itself was elitist.

"It is actually Ann's passion, not so...

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Mitch McConnell Argues Against More Donor Disclosure, Accuses Obama Of Political Retribution

(4999) Comments | Posted June 15, 2012 | 1:37 PM

WASHINGTON -- In a series of speeches and interviews over the past day, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) argued against adding a further layer of disclosure to the campaign finance system, suggesting that the Obama administration would use it to browbeat political opponents.

The Kentucky Republican has long...

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'Moneyball' Godfather Bill James Tackles Politics In Super PAC Age

(1759) Comments | Posted June 15, 2012 | 12:01 AM

WASHINGTON -- A political candidate being dramatically outspent by his opponent has few options. He can pin his hopes on a strong debate performance, dig up dirt on the opposition, or cut a particularly buzz-worthy television ad.

Or he can do what other industries, led by Major League Baseball, have...

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Mitt Romney's Health Care Plan Would Not Prohibit Discrimination Based On Pre-Existing Conditions

(8358) Comments | Posted June 13, 2012 | 6:05 PM

WASHINGTON -- In a speech in Orlando on Tuesday, presumptive GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney outlined once again what he would do to replace President Barack Obama's health care law, which he has pledged to throw out if elected. In a follow-up statement to The Huffington Post, his campaign clarified...

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Mitt Romney On Charge He'd Cut Jobs For Teachers, Firemen, Cops: 'Completely Absurd'

(14251) Comments | Posted June 12, 2012 | 9:25 AM

Mitt Romney said it was "completely absurd" to accuse him of being opposed to hiring teachers, firemen and policemen, arguing that it was the purview of state and local governments to make those decisions, not the president.

The former Massachusetts governor, appearing on Fox and Friends Tuesday morning, was asked...

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Romney Campaign Turns To Jimmy John's Owner To Bash Obama

(315) Comments | Posted June 11, 2012 | 5:54 PM

WASHINGTON -- Mitt Romney's campaign put together a conference call Monday to attack President Barack Obama, once again, for being woefully out of touch with the needs of small business and the private sector in general.

The call was pegged to Obama's comments, from a news conference Friday, that...

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Mitt Romney Campaign's Innovative Phone-Banking Operation

(32) Comments | Posted June 11, 2012 | 2:35 PM

Mitt Romney's campaign is entering new territory when it comes to election-year phone banking, offering up free swag to volunteers who make hundreds, if not thousands, of calls.

The campaign's deputy political director, Dan Centinello, sent out an email to supporters alerting them to the fact that they could...

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Mitt Romney To Embark On Bus Tour, Increase Campaign Activity

(2390) Comments | Posted June 11, 2012 | 12:02 PM

WASHINGTON -- Mitt Romney is picking up the pace on the campaign trail as the election hits the important weeks before the August doldrums.

The Republican presidential nominee announced on Monday that he would be embarking on a five-day, six-state bus tour, starting at the end of this week. Titled...

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Mitt Romney Cast As Out Of Touch With Hispanics In New Ad By SEIU, Priorities USA Action

(2118) Comments | Posted June 11, 2012 | 12:01 AM

WASHINGTON -- A leading labor union and allied super PAC are launching a multi-million dollar ad campaign hitting Mitt Romney for his notable primary-season blunders while seeking to drive a wedge between him and Hispanic voters.

The Spanish-language spot, paid for by the Service Employees International Union and sponsored by...

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Obama Campaign Admits Fundraising Defeat In May

(11091) Comments | Posted June 7, 2012 | 5:51 PM

NEW YORK -- In the wake of the Supreme Court's Citizens United decision, which dramatically altered campaign fundraising, the saving grace for national Democrats has been President Barack Obama's robust grassroots fundraising base.

The theory went something like this: While conservative super PACs would have their corporate and billionaire...

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Obama Leads Romney By 5 In Virginia, Boosted By Women Voters

(6882) Comments | Posted June 7, 2012 | 8:20 AM

Some good news for President Barack Obama after a few weeks of generally rough developments: he continues to hold a decent lead in the new swing state of Virginia. A Quinnipiac University poll released on Thursday morning shows Obama ahead of Mitt Romney by a margin of 47 to 42...

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Ed Rendell: Barack Obama Will Find Pennsylvania 'Definitely In Play'

(113) Comments | Posted June 6, 2012 | 6:46 PM

NEW YORK -- Former Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell is a big-time booster of President Barack Obama, despite conventional wisdom. He thinks highly of the president, enjoys serving as a surrogate, and often defends him from personal and political criticism. Occasionally, however, Rendell speaks his mind in ways that don't comport...

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Political Consultants In The Age Of Super PACs See More Opportunity Than Ever, Win Or Lose

(123) Comments | Posted June 6, 2012 | 1:27 PM

WASHINGTON -- When Joe Ricketts, the founder of the brokerage firm TD Ameritrade, had an itch to spend $10 million on an anti-Obama ad campaign, Fred Davis, the well-traveled conservative media consultant, was there to help him craft a plan.

Davis is known for producing memorable, offbeat and sometimes...

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