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Hurricane Sandy NYC floods

Romney rally jokes about Hurricane Sandy flooding NYC

Artur Davis, who made the joke, was a speaker at the Republican Convention, and is a top Romney surrogate.
GMO Food via Shutterstock

California to vote on GMO labeling

On Tuesday Californians will vote on whether or not GMO products will require clear labeling.
Sam Arora

Sam Arora tries to schmooze the wrong Maryland voter

Sam Arora: Maryland Delegate, anti-gay bigot, hypocrite, got a well-earned earful from a constituent.

The 100th day of the Romney administration (video)

A look at what the First 100 days of the Romney administration might mean to Americans.
Oil drilling

Romney’s horizontal fibbing on oil drilling

Yet another last-minute lie from Mitt Romeny, this time about the supposed panacea of horizontal drilling.
marco rubio

Marco Rubio making anti-gay swing-state robocalls to help Romney

GOP Senator Marco Rubio is doing anti- “gay marriage” robocalls in various swing states in order to help Romney.

A tale of two hurricanes: Obama comforted victims, Bush ate cake

Hurricane Sandy: Obama comforted victims in NJ. Hurricane Katrina: Bush ate cake in California. Any questions?

Gingrich email: Obama’s gonna win

An email was sent out to Newt Gingrich’s list yesterday informing subscribers that Romney is going to lose. Oop
Il Giornale

Romney offends another ally: Italy

Romney’s insult of Italy yesterday made the front page of all the important Italian dailies.
Screen Shot 2012-11-01 at 9.12.44 PM

Stephen Colbert on Romney’s pledge to abolish FEMA (video)

“Who better to respond… than the state whose infrastructure has just been swept out to sea?

Touching video: Obama comforts distraught marina owner in NJ

A touching moment when the President met Donna Vanzant, whose marina was damaged by Hurricane Sandy
JFK Election Message

1962 video of Kennedy urging Americans to vote on Nov. 6

The video was filmed 3 days after the end of the Cuban Missile Crisis, for the election on Nov. 6, same as ours.
Video: Young Guns II, the return of the Ryan budget’s assault on Medicare

Ryan camp leaks post-election plans that don’t involve being VP

Sure sign Team Ryan fears they’re going to lose on Tuesday.
African-American senior vote

“Glitch” wipes out 1,000 early votes in black FL neighborhood

First they said “computer glitch,” now it’s “human error.” Uh huh. Always at the minority polling places.
Elderly Medicare Social Security seniors

Which members of Congress oppose cuts to Social Security, Medicare

Latest headcount of which members of Congress support “No Cuts” to the safety net after the election.
Engine by Shutterstock

NYT blasts Romney auto lies, while Ryan backs away from bailout

“It takes an especially dishonest candidate to simply turn up the volume on a lie and keep repeating it.”
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