You've Earned a Say on Medicare and Social Security



After years of paying into Medicare and Social Security, you've earned a say in their future. That's why AARP launched You've Earned a Say - a national conversation to help protect and strengthen these programs for today's seniors and future generations. We're committed to making sure your voice is heard and providing you with information about the proposals on the table in Washington - without the political jargon and spin.

You've Earned A Say - Strengthen Social Security and Medicare

How Would You Strengthen Social Security
and Medicare?

Tell Washington how you would strengthen Social Security.  And, have your say about 10 options on the table in Washington to strengthen Medicare.

Strengthen Medicare Tool Strengthen Social Security Tool



Speak Up Now! — Take the Latest Questionnaire

Don't let Washington decide the future of Medicare & Social Security without YOU. Take the new questionnaire and share your ideas directly with your members of Congress and the presidential and congressional candidates. Do


You've Earned the Facts TV Spot

When it comes to the future of Medicare and Social Security, you've earned the right to know. Watch our new TV spot and then get the facts.




Pros and Cons: What’s on the Table in Washington?

While Washington talks about the future of Medicare and Social Security behind closed doors, AARP is providing balanced information — both the pros and the cons — about the options being considered, so you can have your say about the future.

Options for Medicare  |  Options for Social Security

AARP Takes You've Earned a Say Across America (PDF)

Hundreds of thousands of you filled out our first questionnaire on the future of Medicare and Social Security. Download the results as a PDF and learn what AARP is doing to take the conversation out from behind closed doors in Washington, or take the original questionnaire now.

Facts &

You've Earned a Say Infographics

As the election season heats up and politicians debate the issues, we need to make sure everyone knows the real story of Medicare and Social Security. Check out AARP's exclusive Medicare and Social Security infographics below!
Medicare: Keeping It Strong Social Security: Keeping It Strong

If you are unable to view the graphics, download the PDFs:

Keeping Medicare Strong  |  Keeping Social Security Strong




"I believe Medicare and Social Security should be strengthened because their are so many of us would not have any other source of health care or income." – L. Hammond, Pontiac, Michigan




Haven't taken the original You've Earned a Say questionnaire? Speak Up Now

Share Your Say Wall - You've Earned a Say on Medicare and Social Security

Share Your Say Wall

You've earned a say in the future of Medicare and Social Security. Make sure Washington knows you're paying attention by taking a public stand. Visit the Share Your Say Wall and upload a photo or video today!