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  1. We need your help! Mitt Romney is the only presidential candidate in the last twelve years to keep the identities of his bundlers hidden from the public. We're asking him to change that. Sign our petition and tell him disclosure is overdue!
  2. Recent Posts by OthersSee All
    •  Is the criticism warranted?
      18 minutes ago
    •  Your government and on and on it goes. Page after page of big government and getting bigger under Barack Hussein Obama.
      2 hours ago
    • Carol Hoyt
      I'm looking forward to your report on Obama's fundraising in Europe & China, this month. Sweden, Switzerland, Paris, China, etc.. We need to know how much was raised, by who, and how much these fundraising jaunts cost taxpayers. Plus, we need to know how many Presidents, over the years, have campaigned and raised funds overseas, for comparison.
      3 hours ago
    • Sandy Cribari Besancon
      I am a widow and have health insurance thru MOE pension fund. I would like to warn any retired people or people who are near retirement to be very careful to make the exact payment to the union. I pay my cobra 3 months at a time, I made the mistake of paying $845. instead of $855. Local 150 made me ineligible for a $10. mistake. I recieved no notification , no call, no letter to say I made a mistake. I am paid thru September of this year.So actually I am not even $10. short yet. They reinstated me today with the comment not to make that mistake again. I hope as these people age they do not make any mistakes.Pension funds generally deal with older people who can make errors. My husband is probably rolling over in his grave. He was proud to be a union member. Even tho when he need his heart transplant at 50 years old they told him to die. I hired a lawyer and got that changed but was too late for him. He was 50 years old when he died.
      4 hours ago
    •  President, Barack Obama has now been exposed yet again a pure and full blown hypocrite. Barack had received cash from Bain Capital outsourcing executives.
      18 hours ago
  3. RecommendationsSee All
    • Richard Steven Patterson
      Find out "Who owns your Congressman" ...
    • Liv Lærke Nissen
      Manipulism – And the Weapon of Guilt. Book about Denmark - the supposed happiest nation on earth. Socialism’s biggest propaganda hoax. The most carefully detailed description ever written about the mind-game that facilitates socialism. Written by a former socialist, now devoted libertarian, who is born and raised I Denmark. Please support the effort for our liberty and share the site; Because how can one truly fight anything if one is not 100% aware and can simultaneously describe exactly what one is fighting?
    • Ivas Ngandu
      I like you to investigate our congo drc politic people finance
  4. LikesSee All
  5. A shadowy super PAC suddenly started spending on mailers attacking a congressional candidate in Washington State last week. Who was bank-rolling the super PAC? Her opponent's mother. Read all about super PAC family ties and other trending, timely campaign finance stories in today's Capital Eye Opener.
  6. What do you think: Are the presidential candidates too secretive in their fundraising?
      • Basia Lewandowski Seaman All the more reason to vote for Ron Paul. He's the perfect example of how a public servant should conduct him/herself. He's never voted to raise congressional pay or taken a government-paid junket. He doesn't participate in the congressional pension program and returns a portion of his annual congressional office budget to the U.S. treasury every year.
  7. TGIF: It's Fan Friday! To thank all you awesome fans out there, we're giving away some free swag to FIVE lucky winners this week. Click the 'Like' button or leave some love in the comments section of this post, and we'll choose five people at random. As always, thanks for your support, and have a great weekend!
  8. The DISCLOSE Act is back, this time tailored to gain more support in the Senate. What do you think: Will Congress pass it?
  9. Question of the day: If you were going to start a super PAC to advocate for one political issue, what issue would you chose, and why?
  10. Rookie Republican senator from New Hampshire Kelly Ayotte is in the running to be Mitt Romney's vice-presidential nominee. Check out what we know about her -- biggest campaign contributors, friends in Congress and her personal finances.

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