updated 7:59 PM EDT, Thu September 11, 2014
From Twitter
Garrison Keeler should read a poem about the LED glow of my mac, as i refresh, refresh, refresh in the dark bedroom
vplus 9698 followers
3:16 am ET on Fri, Sep 12th, 2014 RETWEET | FOLLOW
Maybe Apple just forgot?
vplus 9698 followers
3:11 am ET on Fri, Sep 12th, 2014 RETWEET | FOLLOW
some dude at apple is at the snack machine wondering "what was it I was about to do? Can't remember. Oh well."
vplus 9698 followers
3:08 am ET on Fri, Sep 12th, 2014 RETWEET | FOLLOW
wait should i be using safari for this?
vplus 9698 followers
3:03 am ET on Fri, Sep 12th, 2014 RETWEET | FOLLOW
#Obama doesn't have a grand strategy; @aarondmiller2 says it's kill ISIS before they kill us http://t.co/bQYziE1siN
CNNOpinion 38084 followers
11:28 pm ET on Thu, Sep 11th, 2014 RETWEET | FOLLOW
Rand Paul tells @mviser he's been to New Hampshire more than 20 times. http://t.co/MEbRr5N1bZ
KilloughCNN 2247 followers
11:16 pm ET on Thu, Sep 11th, 2014 RETWEET | FOLLOW
.@ReadyForHillary will be busing students and supporters to the Harkin Steak Fry from a number of Iowa colleges.
danmericaCNN 5032 followers
11:09 pm ET on Thu, Sep 11th, 2014 RETWEET | FOLLOW
Sorry Grover. @SenRandPaul says he'll consider going to Burning Man w/ you, but he "might be pretty busy next summer" http://t.co/v6yPuu8n3K
KilloughCNN 2247 followers
11:03 pm ET on Thu, Sep 11th, 2014 RETWEET | FOLLOW
Ohio school shooter escapes from prison. Residents advised to lock their doors & stay inside: http://t.co/duEKPyIZ23 #tjlane
vplus 9698 followers
10:59 pm ET on Thu, Sep 11th, 2014 RETWEET | FOLLOW
TJ Lane's fmr lawyer: "..I don't think anyone would dispute the fact that he's a very smart young man." http://t.co/9HRlBbZNc4
vplus 9698 followers
10:57 pm ET on Thu, Sep 11th, 2014 RETWEET | FOLLOW
T.J. Lane's escape followed 18 months in prison in which he was disciplined seven times -Plain Dealer
vplus 9698 followers
10:53 pm ET on Thu, Sep 11th, 2014 RETWEET | FOLLOW
Obama's critics dismiss Yemen and Somalia airstrikes as "model" to fight #ISIS; see why: http://t.co/fOoD5Camhx http://t.co/QvCuLFexra
CNNSitRoom 76334 followers
10:45 pm ET on Thu, Sep 11th, 2014 RETWEET | FOLLOW
Helicopter with advanced infrared detection equipment has been deployed to find escaped school shooter T.J. Lane http://t.co/Z01bjklxez
vplus 9698 followers
10:30 pm ET on Thu, Sep 11th, 2014 RETWEET | FOLLOW
All available troopers from the Ohio State Highway Patrol joining Allen County Sheriff's deputies to search for T.J. Lane
vplus 9698 followers
10:29 pm ET on Thu, Sep 11th, 2014 RETWEET | FOLLOW
Police warn "Do not open your doors to strangers. Do not pickup hitchhikers" School shooter T.J. Lane has escaped. http://t.co/yiR4a4zzDf
vplus 9698 followers
10:19 pm ET on Thu, Sep 11th, 2014 RETWEET | FOLLOW
TJ Lane was last seen wearing an Allen Correctional facility prison uniform. http://t.co/oD6V3bysUY
vplus 9698 followers
10:16 pm ET on Thu, Sep 11th, 2014 RETWEET | FOLLOW
Want to be president? Might want to check in with 29 year-old @Bakari_Sellers first http://t.co/fmXNJ9o5lM http://t.co/fVlExl0Wdn...
CNNPolitics 196438 followers
7:05 pm ET on Thu, Sep 11th, 2014 RETWEET | FOLLOW
#HambyCast: @PeterHambyCNN heads to South Carolina's @LizardsThicket for grits and politics http://t.co/OFXTnIqiyG http://t.co/kS3UhXWQQi
CNNPolitics 196438 followers
3:50 pm ET on Thu, Sep 11th, 2014 RETWEET | FOLLOW
The lowest rated moment of the speech according to @bing pulse: Obama announcing deployment of 425 military advisers: http://t.co/KkA5ADXdRq
CNNPolitics 196438 followers
2:56 pm ET on Thu, Sep 11th, 2014 RETWEET | FOLLOW
Super PAC ad: Obama 'willfully blind to the threats we face' http://t.co/8wIkiLcGFT
CNNPolitics 196438 followers
1:14 pm ET on Thu, Sep 11th, 2014 RETWEET | FOLLOW
CNNPolitics 196438 followers
10:56 am ET on Thu, Sep 11th, 2014 RETWEET | FOLLOW
"You don't have the facts Mr. Carney!" Watch @SenJohnMcCain and @JayCarney's heated debate: http://t.co/KwnksfVo49 http://t.co/5G3r35EmJk
CNNPolitics 196438 followers
10:18 pm ET on Wed, Sep 10th, 2014 RETWEET | FOLLOW
.@NewtGingrich says President Obama gave a "strong," very "pro-American" speech. http://t.co/VcG71RYZBL #CNN http://t.co/r4CjcxiY9r
CNNPolitics 196438 followers
9:39 pm ET on Wed, Sep 10th, 2014 RETWEET | FOLLOW
Bottom line is Obama's getting ready to potentially launch airstrikes against ISIS in Iraq and Syria - @WolfBlitzer http://t.co/SDrxwFH5sx
CNNPolitics 196438 followers
9:21 pm ET on Wed, Sep 10th, 2014 RETWEET | FOLLOW
1 of 12
Key races to watch

Here's CNN's take on the key congressional and gubernatorial races across the country.

Halftime: Tea party vs. GOP

Where do things stand in the ongoing battle between the GOP establishment and the tea party?