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Pro-Romney super PAC brings in $20 million in June
1 hour ago

Pro-Romney super PAC brings in $20 million in June


(CNN) - Restore our Future, the super PAC backing presumptive GOP nominee Mitt Romney, brought in $20 million in June, the group said Monday.

That marks a major jump from last month, when Restore our Future reported bringing in $4.6 million. The spike is not a surprise, however, since the group received a $10 million donation from Sheldon and Miriam Adelson in June.

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Also helping the group was the first donation from Foster Friess, a millionaire who was a major backer of the pro-Rick Santorum super PAC. He told CNN he gave a six figure donation to Restore Our Future last month, though he refused to give the exact amount.

Earlier this month, Restore our Future announced they were going up with a large television ad buy during the upcoming Olympics. The buy, which will run July 31 through August 9, is for commercials in 11 states: Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Michigan, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Wisconsin.

Restore our Future was active during the GOP primary, spending $38.9 million in the first three months of 2012. Much of their money went to campaign television commercials in support of Romney and critical of his rivals for the Republican presidential nomination.

–CNN's Kevin Bohn contributed to this report.

Filed under: 2012 • Mitt Romney
soundoff (26 Responses)
  1. Rudy NYC

    once republican

    Trying their best to buy an election. All these arm chair politicians and contributors. They care more about their money than they do their country. Not just from the right, but from the left as well, although the right is much more transparent about it.
    Thanks to a loophole in the law, Karl Rove's organization doesn't have to disclose its' donors. Technically, Karl Rove runs a group dedicated to the public welfare and well being. He operates under the same provision in the tax code that a public soup kitchen would use.

    July 16, 2012 12:06 pm at 12:06 pm |
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