• [image]Agence France-Presse/Getty Images

    India Panel Recommends Changes in Diesel Subsidy System

    A top-level Indian government panel has recommended an overhaul of the nation's diesel subsidy system, which could partially free up the price of the fuel and address a major worry about India's economic future.

What’s News —

Business & Finance

  • [OB-TM819_inewsp_D_20120625073303.jpg]

    A New Approach to Indian News

    Those waking up to news in India often lament the high-decibel alarmism favored by frantic news anchors or the dense nature of print reportage. A new website is looking to change all that.

India Real Time





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  • High
  • Current price, up from close
  • Price at prior day's close
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  • [image]David Longstreath/Zuma Press

    Asia in Pictures

    A jogger works his way past a monitor lizard in Bangkok, a Pakistani man controls two oxen during a race, rickshaw drivers ferry a woman through flood waters in India, and more.

  • [image]Juan Karita/Associated Press

    Photos of the Day: June 26

    In today's photos, Bolivian police protest, tensions run high over Arizona's immigration law, a family plays in the water in Oregon, and more.

  • [image]Dibyangshu Sarkar/Agence France-Presse/Getty Images

    Pranab, Politics and Presidency

    Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee resigned Tuesday ahead of presidential elections on July 19. In pictures, a look at his political career, which spans more than 40 years.

  • [image]Sanjeev Gupta/European Pressphoto Agency

    India in Pictures

    A boy sells colorful umbrellas, children play on a roadside, the annual pilgrimage to the Amarnath shrine, and more.

  • [imiracle]

    Flawed Miracle - in Hindi

    •The Wall Street Journal's South Asia bureau spent last year on a series of related in-depth articles that examine what the 20 years since India adopted a series of economic reforms have brought the giant nation. Read these articles in a PDF format translated into Hindi.

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