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One of the central parks in Misrata
Misrata is located in Libya
Location in Libya
Coordinates: 32°22′39.12″N 15°05′31.26″E / 32.3775333°N 15.0920167°E / 32.3775333; 15.0920167Coordinates: 32°22′39.12″N 15°05′31.26″E / 32.3775333°N 15.0920167°E / 32.3775333; 15.0920167
Country  Libya
Region Tripolitania
District Misrata
Elevation[1] 33 ft (10 m)
Population (2011)[2]
 • Total 350,000
Demonym Misratan
Time zone UTC + 2
Area code(s) 31

Misrata /mɪzˈrɑːtə/ (Arabic: مصراتةMişrātah, Libyan Arabic: IPA: [məsˤˈrˤɑːtæ]), also spelled Misurata or Misratah,[3][4] is a city in the Misrata District in northwestern Libya, situated 187 km (116 mi) to the east of Tripoli and 825 km (513 mi) west of Benghazi on the Mediterranean coast near Cape Misrata.

With a population of just over 350,000, Misrata is the third largest city in Libya, after Tripoli and Benghazi. It is the capital city of the Misrata District and has been called the business capital of Libya. The harbor is at Qasr Ahmad.


[edit] Etymology

Semitic etymology for Misrata is related to its location on the east of the Punic, Semitic-speaking Carthage. Using East as a name for a place is common in other Semitic languages, i.e.: Mishrak in Arabic, Misrakh in Sabaean, Mizrakh in Hebrew.

[edit] History

The main mosque at Misrata

[edit] Early Islamic period

Misrata was established around the 7th-century during the beginning of modern Libya's rule by the Islamic Caliphate.[5] It began as a major caravan supply center and was referred to "Thubaqt".[5] Some contemporary sources say the town existed before Islamic rule, during the Roman Empire era and that its initial Arabic name derived from its Roman name "Thubactis." D. J. Mattingly, author of Tripoltania, a comprehensive reference book on northwestern Libya, stated that identification of Misrata as the ancient "Thubactis" is particularly problematic, complicated and "defies an easy answer." Nonetheless the Roman town is variously located somewhere on the oasis which the modern city sits on. The two common identifications are at the eastern and western anchorages of modern Misrata or south and inland of the city. The Roman town was recorded as one of the six municipia (small city) of the Tripolitania province, a rank below coloniae (major city.)[6]

It is possible to reconcile the two theories by assuming that the city was initially founded by the Romans and was then known as Tubartis but later (after a period of disappearance or in a slightly different location) it was refounded by the Muslim conquests and named Thubactis. In any case, in the 7th-century, it served as a caravan supply centre and an important port.[5] Merchant traders from Misrata were well-known throughout the Sahara during the years of the Caliphate (7th-19th centuries CE.) In addition to its strategic location, the city established itself as one of Libya's oldest producers of luxury carpets.[7]

[edit] Ottoman era

The region of Tripolitania, which included Misrata, came under the regency of the Ottoman Empire in 1551.[7]

By the beginning of the 19th-century, Misrata had been established as a major center for the Trans-Saharan trade route, where caravans carrying gold, leather, and slaves, regularly stopped. Because of the rainfall along the coast, which was abundant compared to other cities in Tripolitania, and supplemental water from underground springs, Misrata's inhabitants were able to engage in unusually fertile agriculture in this largely arid region. The city was filled with thick areas of vegetable gardens while the surrounding countryside included fields of wheat, barley, date palms and olive orchards. Misrata's artisans also expanded on the city's ancient carpet industry for which it was regionally renowned. Although Misrata contained a well-built harbor, most of its long-distance trade was overland because the city of Benghazi to the east served as the preferable substitute for maritime shipping.[8]

As a result of the abolition of slavery and increasing European colonial influence in Sub-Saharan Africa, Trans-Saharan trade declined and consequently Misrata's role in the trade decreased.[8] However, the decline in Trans-Saharan trade saw the establishment of weekly and permanent markets in the city, replacing the seasonal markets associated with long-distance trade. Because of this new economic situation, the residents of the countryside devoted less time to pastoralism, husbandry and guide service for foreign traders and began to shift their focus on agricultural production. Farmers concentrated on growing cash crops, relying on market relations to provide income for their families, instead of subsistence farming and periodic barter exchanging. Bedouins increasingly abandoned their nomadic lifestyle and began to settle into permanent dwellings within the city limits. To cope with an rising population due to immigration from the surrounding areas, Misrata witnessed a construction boom in the late 19th-century. A covered produce market and numerous streets lined with shops were built in addition to new district and municipal government offices, a renovated Ottoman army barracks and several Turkish-style houses for the city's wealth families.[9]

Two Arab clans, the Muntasir and Adgham, dominated the political, social and economic aspects of Misrata and led the local tribes against their Turkish overlords during various periods of tension.[7] There were many wealthy families in the city, but the Muntasirs, who were of Arabian descent, and the Adghams, who descended from Ottoman officers who settled in the province in previous centuries, were the most prominent. They made their income from commerce and protected their wealth by cooperating with the Ottoman provincial authorities. Both had extended families and economic holdings not just in Misrata, but also the provincial capital of Tripoli as well as the eastern Cyrenican towns of Benghazi and Dernah. The Aghdams had traditionally resisted efforts by the central Ottoman government in Istanbul to reestablish direct control over Tripoli Province and, under the leadership of Uthman al-Aghdam, they led a rebellion against the Ottomans and their local allies in 1835. After their eventual defeat in 1858, they were left in an inferior position to that of the Muntasirs.[10] The Aghdams remained a powerful force nonetheless and their competition with the Muntasirs for leading positions within the local and regional government dominated Misratan politics. Misrata's urban residents did not contribute much to the political scene and avoided contact with the Ottoman authorities out of concern of conscription into the army and provincial tax collection. In contrast, the rural areas of Misrata were populated mostly by fellahin (peasantry) and former Bedouins who had retained their tribal affiliations and loyalties and thus involved themselves in competition for political influence.[9]

Up until 1908, the Muntasirs, led by Umar al-Muntasir, controlled the upper echelons of the newly organized bureaucracy in Tripoli Province and were largely accepted by the local notables as the administrators of Misrata along with Sirt, Gharyan and Tarhuna. However, that year, the Young Turks acquired power in Istanbul and ousted the traditional Ottoman leadership.[11] Viewing the Muntasirs as loyalists of Abdul Hamid II, the ousted sultan, they made efforts to reduce Muntasir power in the region. The Young Turk administration in Tripoli vetoed Muntasir membership in the local parliament and dismissed the governor of Tarhuna who was Umar al-Muntasir's son, Ahmad Dhiya al-Muntasir, from his post. In addition, they allegedly hired a group of local Misratans to assassinate Abd al-Qasim, another one Umar's sons.[12]

[edit] Italian occupation

In October 1911, Italy had launched an invasion against Ottoman Libya, but were unable to reach Misrata until June.[13] Ahmad Dhiya al-Muntasir had consulted with the Italians in Rome months prior to the invasion and Umar al-Muntasir used his influence to coordinate with them militarily once they landed on the Libyan coastline. In return for their collaboration, the Muntasirs were able to maintain their administrative role and gained positions as advisers to the Italian military authorities.[11]

During World War I, Misrata played an important role in the Libyan-Ottoman resistance against the occupying Italian Army. Under the leadership of Ramadan al-Suwayhli, the city was used a base of support for the Ottoman Empire and his Misratan army dealt a major blow to the Italians at Qasr Abu Hadi near Sirt in April 1915. Over 500 Italian troops were killed while Suwayhli's troops captured over 5,000 rifles, various types of machine guns and artillery and several tons of ammunition.[14] As a result of this Libyan victory, Italy's army and their Muntasir allies withdrew from Misrata. By 1916, Misrata had become semi-autonomous and collected taxes from Sirt, the region of Fezzan and the area between it and Sirt as well as the Warfalla tribal area south of Tripoli.[15] Because of its strategic harbor, Ottoman and German forces used Misrata as one of their principal supply ports during World War I. The city became the headquarters of a wide-ranging administration which supervised military recruitment and tax collection, had its own ammunition factory, printed its own currency and operated its own schools and hospitals. However, once Nuri Bey, the Ottoman officer in charge of the Libyan front, was recalled to Istanbul in early 1918, Ottoman influence waned in Misrata. Suwayhli lost his main backer and a huge source of funding as a result.[16]

When the Italians reestablished their control of much of Libya following their victory in World War I, but al-Suwayhli retained his position as administrator of Misrata. In 1920 he expelled his Italian adviser from Misrata and controlled the town independently with about 10,000 fighters. Al Rakib, a Tripoli-based newspaper, commended the order and security in place at Misrata under al-Suwayhli as well as the strict application of Islamic law including the suppression of hard liquor.[17] In June, however, al-Suwayhli attempted to attack the the Muntasirs and Warfalla in the area between Misrata and Tripoli, but his forces were defeated and al-Suwayhli was executed by Abd al-Qadir al-Muntasir's troops. A few weeks after the battle, the new Italian governor attacked Misrata.[18]

During the mid-1920s and 1930s, Misrata became a center of Italian colonization. A new town was laid out on a grid pattern and several public buildings were constructed including a new municipal office, a church (which was later converted to a mosque,) and a large hotel. Giuseppe Volpi was named Conte di Misrata, or the "Count of Misrata."[19] In 1935 the construction of the road connecting Zuwara in the west to Misrata was completed.[20]

[edit] Independence

In response to alleged vote rigging during the 1952 parliamentary elections, Misrata witnessed mass riots which contributed to the Libyan monarchy's permanent ban on political parties.[21]

Following Muammar Gaddafi's coup that overthrew the monarchy of King Idris in 1969, Misrata was tremendously expanded from the 1970s onward. Two iron and steel mills were established in the city resulting in a mass migration of Libyans from nearby rural areas to Misrata and consequently generated population and economic growth. The marina was rapidly developed to host shipping to service the steel plants and other factories with raw materials and other goods.[19]

During this period, Misrata became the principal economic, educational and administrative center of eastern Tripolitania. The majority of government ministries have branch offices in the city in addition to several college universities, schools and hospitals. The commercial area of Misrata contains numerous shops, restaurants, and cafes. The extensive development of the city attracted large numbers of immigrants to Misrata, giving it a cosmopolitan atmosphere. The main square adjacent to the old souk resembles those of major Moroccan cities.[19]

[edit] 2011 Libyan civil war

On 24 February 2011, early in the 2011 Libyan civil war the city fell under the control of the Libyan opposition.[22][23] The battle was renewed with shelling on 20 March as pro-Gaddafi tanks pushed forward, and, according to an eyewitness report aired on BBC News, razing the city to the ground. Eyewitnesses also reported that pro-Gaddafi soldiers were shooting, killing and injuring unarmed civilians.[24] For over 70 days, the city was shelled by artillery, tanks, and snipers, and for over 40 days had its water supply intentionally shut off by Muammar Gaddafi's forces. As supplies ran short, hundreds of thousands were at risk of death.[25] With NATO support, the rebel forces managed to fight off loyalist troupes and secure control of most of the city by mid-May. Thereafter, forces from Misrata played an important role in other theaters of the war, such as the Battle of Tripoli and the Battle of Sirte.

[edit] Geography

Misrata lies on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea 187 km (116 mi) east of Tripoli and 825 km (513 mi) west of Benghazi. The location of the city creates a dualism of sea and sand, bounded by the sea to the north and east and to the south by golden sands dotted with palm and olive trees. Green plains encircle the center of the town, which contains modern buildings, wide streets, large factories such as the iron and steel complex and carpet and textile factories and a number of establishments, companies and trade centers.

Aside from its distinct location, which makes it a centre for the exchange of commodities and materials with the rest of the cities of the country, Misrata enjoys a modern infrastructure, including new roads, electricity and communications. It is also the seat of many national companies such as the Libyan Ports Company, Libyan Iron and Steel Company, the Libyan publishing, distribution and Advertising Company. Besides that it has branches of public and private sector banks and one locally and privately owned bank.

[edit] Economy

The Libyan Coastal Highway leading to Misrata from the capital Tripoli

Serving the role of Libya's commercial hub, Misrata is notably clean and construction is well-organized. Its citizens are largely viewed by other Libyans as business oriented. The city's steel mill industry (which is dominated by the government-owned Libyan Iron and Steel Company) is one its principal income producers and sources of employment. Due to the 1970s-80s renovation of Misrata's marina to better supply the industrial plants with raw material, the industry has been able to expand and the steel mill authorities hold considerable influence in the city.[19] Al-Naseem Dairy, one of the largest private companies in Libya, is also located in Misrata and employs around 750 workers.[26]

A historic aspect of the local economy is the cloth and textile industry. Situated near the city's central square are souks ("open-air markets") where, usually three times a week, merchants continue to sell luxury carpets, furniture cloth and traditional clothing, including abayas (cloaks worn by males for celebratory occasions.)[27]

Most major businesses, shops and social centers are located on Tripoli Street, Misrata's main thoroughfare. During the Siege of Misrata, most of the buildings housing these assets were destroyed. However, several small businesses are beginning to rebuild and reopen. Nonetheless, recovery remains relatively slow partially due to the shortage of banknotes since Libyan banks are only allowing citizens to withdraw or borrow limited amounts of funds. Once the Libyan Central Bank receives most of the assets that had been internationally frozen during the civil war, it is probable that local banks would ease these restrictions.[26]

The city has a great potential for expansion since it attracts a lot of internal immigration and is surrounded by uninhabited flat land with no obstacles. There is a port in the neighbouring town of Qasr Ahmad.

[edit] Education

Misrata University, with its 15 faculties, is located in the city. There are several higher education institutions including a number of university faculties that are administratively linked to universities of other cities in Libya (e.g. Al-Tahadi University of Sirte and Al Fateh University of Tripoli).

[edit] Football clubs

[edit] Transport

A railway line and port is proposed in 2008. It is also served by Misrata Airport.

[edit] People born in Misrata

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  1. ^ Wolfram Alpha
  2. ^ Der Spiegel, 2011 Aug 23
  3. ^ "مصراتة: Libya". Geographical Names. http://www.geographic.org/geographic_names/name_non-roman_misrata_libya.html. Retrieved 2011-02-26. 
  4. ^ "Mişrātah: Libya". Geographical Names. http://www.geographic.org/geographic_names/name.php?uni=-4477557&fid=3755&c=libya. Retrieved 2011-02-26. 
  5. ^ a b c "Misratah". Encyclopædia Britannica. Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.. 2006. http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-9052971/Misratah. Retrieved 2006-12-07. 
  6. ^ Mattingly, pp. 104-105.
  7. ^ a b c Ham, p.119.
  8. ^ a b Burke, p.116.
  9. ^ a b Burke, p.117.
  10. ^ Ben-Ghiat and Fuller, p.65.
  11. ^ a b Ben-Ghiat and Fuller, p.66.
  12. ^ Burke, p.119.
  13. ^ Burke, p.120.
  14. ^ Burke, p.121.
  15. ^ Burke, p.122.
  16. ^ Burke, p.122.
  17. ^ Burke, p.125.
  18. ^ Burke, p.126.
  19. ^ a b c d Azema, p.125.
  20. ^ Ben-Ghiat, p.122.
  21. ^ Burke, p.127.
  22. ^ "Gaddafi defiant as state teeters". Al Jazeera. 23 February 2011. http://english.aljazeera.net/news/africa/2011/02/20112235434767487.html. 
  23. ^ "Libyan crackdown 'escalates' – UN". BBC News. 25 February 2011. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-12576427. 
  24. ^ "Gaddafi forces fire on crowd in Misrata – resident". Reuters. 21 March 2011. http://uk.reuters.com/article/idUKTRE72K2F920110321. 
  25. ^ "Misrata: no food, no water, just snipers". Euronews. 4 May 2011. http://www.euronews.net/2011/04/05/misrata-no-food-no-water-just-snipers/. 
  26. ^ a b Young, Rob. Libya's commercial hub recovers slowly. BBC News. BBC. 2012-01-03. Accessed on 2012-01-07.
  27. ^ Azema, p.126.

[edit] Bibliography

[edit] External links

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