
Belen Fernandez

Belén's articles have appeared in the London Review of Books Blog, Jacobin Magazine, The Baffler, Al Akhbar English, Guernica Magazine, CounterPunch, and The Electronic Intifada, among others.

Born in Washington, DC, in 1982, Belén earned her bachelor's degree with a concentration in political science from Columbia University in New York City.

United States

The United States of insanity

Trump's America may seem like a cruel new psychology experiment but US society has been sick for quite some time.


The Earth versus capitalism

Unfortunately, as of Earth Day 2017, capitalism is winning the war it has been waging against the planet.

United States

A different kind of war in America's 'backyard'

The US may not be supporting death squads in Latin America anymore, but it is still waging a bloody trade war.

US-Mexico border

Fear and loathing on the border

The militarised nature of the US-Mexico border sustains the fallacy that the US is under attack by 'criminal' migrants.

Donald Trump

What's behind the Great Wall of America?

Trump's false advertising routine for a Mexican border wall provides an apt excuse for lucrative militarisation schemes.


2016 and the truth behind fake news

Fuel for financial and political gain, fake news is used for a lot more than the fun of Macedonian teenagers.


Fidel Castro in context

The revolutionary's achievements in the face of US meddling made him a powerful symbol of resistance against hegemony.

Latin America

Getting away with murder in Mexico

The more than 100,000 deaths in a decade cannot be blamed just on Mexico's drug cartels.


Christopher Columbus: The myth that keeps on giving

Why has a symbol of mass slaughter been unrepentantly idolised for more than half a millennium?

Human Rights

In Latin America, people disappear but crimes remain

As we mark the International Day of the Disappeared, countless families across Latin America have yet to attain closure.

Science & Technology

Pokemon Go: When reality just isn't enough

The whole enterprise feeds into the idea that life itself should be a video game.

Human Rights

Amazon: The final frontier?

There are still a few indigenous groups existing in voluntary isolation in the Amazon - for who knows how much longer.