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U.S. Government Releases Sixth Annual Malaria Report

04/24/2012 - Each year, World Malaria Day is observed to call attention to the disease and to mobilize action to combat it. On this occasion, the President's Malaria Initiative (PMI), led by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and implemented together with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), releases its sixth annual report which describes the role and contributions of the U.S. Government in the effort to reduce the burden of malaria in Africa, and to monitor antimalarial drug resistance and decrease malaria transmission in the Greater Mekong Subregion.

Earth Week Series: USAID-Funded Boma National Park Headquarters Inaugurated in South Sudan

04/24/2012 - Officials from the Republic of South Sudan and United States Government on March 8 inaugurated the Boma National Park Headquarters and Boma Payam Headquarters in Jonglei State, drawing attention to the important role that the establishment of protected area management and local governance infrastructure and capacity can play in contributing to security, stability, eco-tourism development and economic growth, especially in the more isolated regions of South Sudan.

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Feed The Future.  Photo Credit: Noel Celis / AFP
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In Focus

Haiti - Photo by Kendra Helmer, USAID
Two years since a catastrophic earthquake struck Haiti, USAID continues working with the government of Haiti and the international community to provide a base for longer-term development.
Afghanistan - Photo by Hassan Zakizadeh
Working to build a safe, stable society that meets the needs of its people and eliminates an environment that breeds extremism.
Agency Financial Report
Agency Financial Report
USAID has earned a ninth unqualified opinion on its financial statements for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2011.
We are committed to a partnership with Pakistan that is built on a foundation of mutual interest, mutual respect, and mutual trust.
Policy Framework
Policy Framework
The USAID Policy Framework 2011-2015 is intended to provide our staff and partners worldwide with a clear sense of our core development priorities.


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