Press Room

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Triple-A S: Advancing Science, Serving Society

Press Room: News & Reporter Help

Current Headlines

Judges Evaluate and Encourage Future Researchers

With canny but kind feedback, judges at the 2013 Emerging Researchers National Conference helped aspiring scientists orally communicate their research.

Science: Gathering Light From a Distant World

Light from a planet known as HR 8799c, located 130 light-years from our sun, suggests it may have formed by a mechanism similar to the one that created our solar system's planets.

Scientists Spark Climate Discussions on the Hill

The third annual Climate Science Day brought climate scientists to congressional offices for relationship-building.

Story Tips:

Kids' Science: AAAS posts a special Science news page for children on EurekAlert!, the AAAS Web Site for science news.

Science Talk, the AAAS Experts & Speakers Bureau: Searchable resource featuring bios, video and photographs.

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