Search Engine Watch

SEO News
  1. Google Ocean View: Maps Now Take You Underwater

    The "ocean collection" will let users dive down into six of the world's most incredible underwater spots, including coral reefs (and their inhabitants) in Australia, the Philippines and Hawaii, says Google by way of introduction on a YouTube video.

  2. Why You Should Use the New Google Remarketing Code

    Remarketing is one of the most powerful tools and campaign types available to online marketers in terms of driving additional conversions and positive ROI. Here are three reasons you should be excited about Google’s new universal remarketing code.

  3. In-House SEO Interview: The Hidden Heroes of Search

    In this Q&A, two in-house SEO practitioners share their take on SEO from their perspective: in-house versus agency, challenges, skills needed, tips for new in-house SEOs, and what big industry changes we can expect in the next six months.

  4. 3 Tips for Marketers Ready to Invest More in Mobile

    The consumer mobile movement shows no sign of waning. Mobile monetization opportunities are high and should command a much higher rate of ad budgets. Here’s why marketers must fully capitalize on the opportunity, and three ways to do so.

  5. Google Maps App Won't be Found on iPhones Anytime Soon

    Eric Schmidt says Google "hasn't done anything yet" with regards to developing a Google Maps app for IOS 6. Schmidt said he hopes Google will remain Apple's search partner on the iPhone, but he didn't sound too optimistic that this will happen.

  6. How to Make Your Ecommerce Site Link Worthy

    Unless you are a top notch big brand that can seemingly do no wrong, you're going to have to step up your game and stop thinking that you'll just magically build links and attract users. Here are some examples of websites that are doing it right.

  7. Using Web Analytics for PPC Optimization

    Campaign optimization is one of the most important tasks a PPC manager can perform and essential to PPC success. But if you’re spending all your time in the AdWords and Bing Ads interfaces, you’re missing a big part of the PPC optimization picture.

  8. A Refresher on Retargeting & Helpful Tips

    Retargeting has been a growing trend in marketing because of the perceived ROI it brings. But what is retargeting exactly and how can it benefit you? Vik Duggal from Retargeter sheds more light on retargeting in the following interview.

  9. Are Google Maps Staffers Being Tempted by Apple?

    Apple is reportedly seeking employees that have experience working on Google Maps, after it became apparent last week that its own Maps app on IOS 6 just doesn't cut it against the competition. Apple's Maps app has been panned as a failure thus far.

  10. Iran Government Filtering Google Searches, Gmail

    The Iranian government has started filtering Google searches and Gmail in order to increase its own security. The Iranian government announced its intention to screen Google communications on Sunday and has already made good on its promise.

  11. Facebook Adding Search History to Activity Log

    Facebook has announced that it will be rolling out a personal search history record within the Activity Log over the coming weeks, as Mark Zuckerberg takes another step toward setting his plan to compete with Google in web search into motion.

  12. 46 Ways to Kill It With Content

    Manipulative techniques are being rendered redundant. Now is the time to embrace change. Creating killer content will lead that charge. Check out this list of quick-fire actions filled with ideas to help grow your investment in valuable content.

  13. How to Launch an Ad Campaign on YouTube for the Holidays

    Marketers should be launching ad campaigns on YouTube in time for the holidays. To do so, you’ll need to make a video, using these best practices to create compelling content. Then, follow these five steps to launch your first YouTube ad campaign.