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  • Editors' picks

  • Video (6min 28sec): Sheikh Haithem Al-Haddad and Dr Suhaib Hasan of Britain's Sharia Council allow us rare and exclusive access to their deliberations on Islamic divorces
  • reading the quran in a mosque in hebron Elizabeth Stewart explains the Islamic code
  • Comment is free series: Each week, Ziauddin Sardar blogged about a different verse or theme of the Qur'an, while Madeleine Bunting helped to frame the debate

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Guardian Bookshop

This week's bestsellers

  1. 1.  Stop What You're Doing and Read This!


  2. 2.  Bigger Message

    by Martin Gayford £18.95

  3. 3.  Send Up the Clowns

    by Simon Hoggart £8.99

  4. 4.  Why It's Kicking Off Everywhere

    by Paul Mason £14.99

  5. 5.  100 Simple Things You Can Do to Prevent Alzheimer's

    by Jean Carper £10.99

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