Patrick Butler

Patrick Butler

@patrickjbutler London
Guardian Journalist, social affairs specialist (Head of Society, Health and Education at the Guardian)
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nicky clark
Still seeing as the 2nd trending topic in UK. is this some kind of record?I KNOW it's a 1st for disability specific issue
Patrick Butler
Something extraordinary happening... and and
Guardian Voluntary
Is the delivery of public services jeopardising the independence of the ? Share your thoughts here
Anne McGuire MP
@ and @ congratulations on the publication of today and getting the arguments into the public domain today
Patrick Butler
Society daily: Scared charities, the "Spartacus" report, Work Programme, social care, Big Society - the musical
richard caulfield
in 40% of cases since refresh govt have not respected the 12 weeks consultation criteria
Patrick Butler
That Compact report in brief: Whitehall: Compact embedded in all we do. NAO: How do you know? Whitehall: We don't.
Patrick Butler
@ Ha! Shall we get Moody's to rate them? On second thoughts....
Patrick Butler
contract bans charities from 'attracting adverse publicity' << all utterances need DWP approval...
Patrick Butler
@ blogs on today's Responsible Reform report on Living Allowance
Patrick Butler
Charities scared to speak out amid cuts, says report << now updated with comments from @
Patrick Butler
Dame Anne Owers: The voluntary sector must not lose its independence via @ @
Patrick Butler
A must-read: Disabled people listened to on plans? It's a government sham << @ for @ CiF
Patrick Butler
Charities scared to speak out amid cuts, says report << "fearful... of reprisals"
Patrick Butler
@ Agree with that. We'll do our best
Patrick Butler
...Pickles, meanwhile has more important issues to announce than traveller funding
Patrick Butler
Traveller pitch funding of £47m announced << Sensible. Note Eric Pickles passed this to his deputy to announce...(cont)
Patrick Butler
Gove the "closet centraliser"? << turns out the he's forcing into status is David Lammy's old one...
Patrick Butler
Gove faces legal action as rebel primary battles his academy plan << it's localism v the monolithic state, Michael