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  • Michael Gove

    Primary school children to be expected to learn and recite poetry

    10 Jun 2012: Michael Gove to announce overhaul of English teaching including new emphasis on spelling and grammar
  • Editors' picks

  • When it comes to women, I give you up, Kingsley Amis wrote to Philip Larkin. Although the poet – bald, peevish and apathetic – had several romantic relationships, most enduringly with the indomitable academic Monica Jones, his private life was ultimately a failure, reflects Martin Amis
  • Abbie Cornish and Ben Whishaw in Bright Star Poverty, talent and early death – Keats's story, with a doomed love affair at its heart, represents an ideal of passion and tragic loss. His biographer Andrew Motion is impressed by Jane Campion's attempt in the film Bright Star to bring the poet's life to the big screen
  • peter porter Australian-born poet whose moving, elegiac work was seen as among Britain's finest
  • K Company, 42 Commando Royal Marines in Now Zad, Afghanistan With the conflict in Afghanistan escalating and the Iraq inquiry pending, poet laureate Carol Ann Duffy commissions war poetry for today
  • Quill and inkpot Every month, a different poet sets an exercise, chooses the most interesting responses from readers and offers an appraisal of them

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