Dweck, Carol S.

Lewis and Virginia Eaton Professor

Office Location: 

Jordan Hall, Building 420 Room 240

Office phone number: 
(650) 725-2421
Administrative Associate: 
Maureen Sullivan
Primary Area of Focus: 
Secondary Area of Focus: 
Personal/Lab Website: 


MINDSET   http://mindsetonline.com

BRAINOLOGY  http://www.brainology.us/

Research Summary: 

My work bridges developmental psychology, social psychology, and personality psychology, and examines the self-conceptions (or mindsets) people use to structure the self and guide their behavior. My research looks at the origins of these mindsets, their role in motivation and self-regulation, and their impact on achievement and interpersonal processes.


Ph.D. Social and Developmental Psychology, Yale University, 1972



Elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 2003

Ann L. Brown Award for Excellence in Developmental Research, University of Illinois, 2009

Leadership Award, Klingenstein Center, Teachers College, Columbia University 2010

E.L. Thorndike Career Achievement Award in Educational Psychology, American Psychological Association, 2010

Distinguished University Lecturer, University of Hong Kong, March 2010

Invited Addresses, University of Herzeliya, Israel, April 2010

Annual Greenwald Distinguished Speaker in Social Psychology, Ohio State University, May 2010

Keynote Address, Annual Head Start Conference, Washington, DC, June 2010

Keynote Address, International Society for Gifted Education, Paris, July 2010

Elected, Herbert Simon Fellow of the Academy of Political and Social Science, 2010

Brotherton Fellowship, University of Melbourne, August-September 2011

Distinguished Scientific Contribution Award, American Psychological Association 2011

Gallery of Scientists, Federation of Associations in Behaviorial & Brain Sciences (FABBS) 2011

Dweck CV 2012.pdf261.46 KB
A social-cognitive approach to motivation and personality.pdf1.93 MB
Young children's vulnerability to self-blame and helplessness.pdf1.33 MB
Lay Dispositionism and Implicit Theories of Personality.pdf1.12 MB
Implicit Theories and Evaluative Processes in Person Cognition.pdf230.63 KB
Implicit Theories and Conceptions of Morality.pdf2.04 MB
Children's Thinking About Traits: Implications for Judgments of the Self and Others.pdf1.37 MB
Stereotype Formation and Endorsement- The Role of Implicit Theories.pdf1.85 MB
Praise for Intelligence Can Undermine Children's Motivation and Performance.pdf2.22 MB
Differential Use of Person Information in Decision-Making About Guilt vs Innocense.pdf400.5 KB
Person vs process praise and criticism - Implications for Contingent Self Worth and Coping.pdf1.88 MB
The Impact of Children's static vs dynamic conceptions of people on stereotype information.pdf207.31 KB
Implicit theories, attributions and coping: A meaning system approach.pdf1.78 MB
Person theories and attention allocation: Preference for stereotypic vs counterstereotypic information.pdf2.7 MB
Clarifying Achievement Goals and their Impact.pdf89.45 KB
Violations of Implicit Theories and the Sense of Prediction and Control.pdf180.37 KB
Finding "meaning" in psychology - A lay theories approach to self-regulation, social perception, and social development.pdf183.75 KB
Is math a gift? Beliefs that put females at risk.pdf106.93 KB
Children's Biased Evaluations of Lucky vs Unlucky People and their Social Groups.pdf53.99 KB
Why do beliefs about intelligence influence learning success?.pdf631.84 KB
Voicing Conflict: Preferred Conflict Strategies Among Incremental and Entity Theorists.pdf118.39 KB
Implicit Theories of Intelligence Predict Achievement Across an Adolescent Transition.pdf184.67 KB
Subtle linguistic cues impact children's motivation.pdf66.4 KB
Evidence for infants' internal working models of attachment.pdf55.13 KB
Defensiveness vs Remediation - Self Theories and modes of self-esteem maintenance.pdf265.51 KB
A blueprint for social cognitive development.pdf109.25 KB
Can Personality Be Changed? The role of beliefs in personality and change.pdf 63.01 KB
The hidden zero effect.pdf58.27 KB
Solving problems like a social psychologist.pdf63.72 KB
Ego-Depletion - Is It All In Your Head?.pdf266 KB
Emotion Blocks the Path to Learning Under Sterotype Threat.pdf494.2 KB
Adolescents' Implicit Theories Predict Desire for Vengeance .pdf330.25 KB