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  1. Yay! RT @PaulLewis: And finally...Guardian wins the biggy: Website of the Year #OnlineMediaAwards
  2. @stuartmillar159 having somewhere to be is the way to fill up the news list - god or whoever works by the 'ask a busy person' mantra
  3. @EmmaTWC off the record - I'm afraid I can't tell you anything about his tax arrangements
  4. Watching The Thick of It episode where she comes to the Guardian and thinking 'that's where I met Rastamouse' #starstruckstill
  5. @integraps thank you. Someone else said that too - think we might need to see the dr. (I can ask her to value my house at the same time!)
  6. @melaniebien it does look like that, but lack of temp put me off. Did the glass test straight away. Thinking hives or virus currently
  7. @LizFordGuardian you sound busy - are you enjoying it? Hope so x
  8. @melaniebien not that we'd noticed but he has been very grizzly (we thought because he was 2!)
  9. @thevicarswife my colleagues have written something for Saturday - I'll see if they'll let me publish it tomorrow
  10. Apparently Justin Bieber's just been on Blue Peter - I believe for young people this is as exciting as when Hugh Grant was on Question Time
  11. @BeeWiles @amcunningham thank you. I will try a locate the cause
  12. @frolickingfood some people are, how best to put it?, wallies
  13. Anyone able to identify these spots? They're currently covering @JrTiffney from head to toe
  14. @frolickingfood I can't even watch those programmes, let alone do the job
  15. @RetirementAngel just read it and was making you a staff pick. Thank you
  16. @subhajitb I was going to tap you up for a loan...and checking the co. didn't bank with NatWest