Steve Bell on Andrew Lansley and the NHS – cartoon

Health secretary condemns 'go-slow' industrial action by doctors in bullish speech to NHS leaders

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Steve Bell cartoon
© Steve Bell 2012


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  • daffers56

    20 June 2012 11:16PM

    What has the NHS and us the public done to deserve the nasty moron that is Andrew Lansley?


    20 June 2012 11:17PM


    As Lord Grade almost said after making "Raise the Titanic"-" It would have been easier to lower the Atlantic

    What a ghastly man he is.

  • qwertboi

    20 June 2012 11:18PM

    What has the NHS and us the public done to deserve the nasty moron that is Andrew Lansley?

    Voted lib dem

  • Fainche

    20 June 2012 11:28PM

    I dunno Daffers, for a fairly average politician he's kept his Machiavellian traits fairly well hidden up to now.

    Whatever the reason once his supporters realise they've got to pay for some form of health insurance that's either going to break the budget or be too expensive to take out and the reforms are just a profit generating machine it'll be too late to do anything about it. It's a pity that apathy and ignorance can't be cured by the NHS.

  • MelMo

    20 June 2012 11:34PM

    'Like a supertanker heading for an iceburg'
    Well, it's on course then, isn't it.
    Lansley-'Helmsman, midships'

  • lightacandle

    20 June 2012 11:48PM

    Oh - I looked and then I laughed - and then seeing the wreck and knowing that is what is happening - felt sad.

  • Celtiberico

    20 June 2012 11:50PM

    One day historians of the decline of Western civilisation will be puzzling over why a system which permitted free elections managed to do worse than 18th-century Prussia.

  • showmaster

    20 June 2012 11:51PM

    "Look at me Maw", brilliant film, iconic tag line, great cinematographer.

    Sod all like the incompetent denialist in charge of the NHS in England. ]
    Mike Farrar is also in denial of the fact that the iceberg was hit so long ago it is now just chillaxing Camerons G&T.

  • PeleMcAmble

    20 June 2012 11:55PM

    GPs' strike is pointless, says Andrew Lansley
    Health secretary condemns Thursday's 'go-slow' industrial action by doctors in bullish speech to NHS leaders

    That's a laugh of a quote from the hapless Andrew Lansley, that despicable privateer who had his office funded by a company that will benefit from his NHS privatisation. Not corruption of course! And I haven't forgotten that it took the Guardian almost two years to utter a word against the NHS reforms in an editorial. It's only through the likes of Steve Bell and Martin Rowson that this paper as been able to hang on to what's left of its credibility.

    The NHS should be the battleground for the next election and I would like to think that the Guardian would switch its support from the liar Nick Clegg and his party of junior Tories but I wouldn't bet on it, at least not while Alan Rusbridger is editor.

    Keep kicking Mr Bell.

    Steve Bell 2 - Alan Rusbridger 0

  • kristinekochanski

    20 June 2012 11:56PM

    They are in the pockets of the privateers that goes without saying, what I wonder is whether they have been popped into their pockets through design or stupidity.

    Sometimes I think the Tories are gifted with the assumption of too much intelligence, it is possible that profit-driven sharks saw some really stupid fish in the water & ate them. Surely they know how this is going to rebound on them unless they are truly thick?

    I dunno. Good cartoon anyway.

  • twincam

    20 June 2012 11:57PM

    What a blockbuster movie this will be. Lansley as Capt. Smith , Nick Clegg as Bruce Ismay and McKinsey as the White Star Line. Patients of the NHS will fill the bit part roles. The Labour party will play the part of the SS Californian, the ship that did not respond to the disaster.

  • roachclip

    20 June 2012 11:58PM

    Steve, didn't you know that Martin Rowson had already reduced Andrew Fucking Lansley to a long streak of putrid bandage, green rotting skin and some bone?

    I think it's a mistake to resurrect him, he is dangerous to our health.

    Oh, and I'm glad the doctors are going on strike, I only wish everyone could go on strike, and stay on strike, until all the Tory runts (excuse the typo) had vacated Westminster (or died, I don't really mind which).

  • kristinekochanski

    21 June 2012 12:09AM

    Do bear in mind when getting annoyed at Lansley that the iceberg is only going to hit England.

    In Scotland & Wales the NHS is sailing on regardless in sunnier climes, no iceberg in sight. There is no necessity for this voluntary impalement it is being inflicted on England purely due to ideological belief.

    As a mere observer in all this I think a mutiny is in order before the captain sinks the ship. Good Luck.

  • alternative3

    21 June 2012 12:10AM

    Once more we're seeing the selfish vested interests of those evil doctors,nurses,
    physios,health workers,surgeons etc being put before those of the nice people at
    Serco,G4s,ATOS and the rest.

    They should be taken out and shot. That would get rid of the expensive pension
    commitment facing all these would-be providers.

    Or is that just too cynical.

  • BadDog

    21 June 2012 12:12AM

    Sometimes I think the Tories are gifted with the assumption of too much intelligence, it is possible that profit-driven sharks saw some really stupid fish in the water & ate them. Surely they know how this is going to rebound on them unless they are truly thick?

    I think they know they'll be kicked out at the next election. They know and don't care. They have one aim. Destroy.

    They planned the destruction of our welfare state before they came into power. They are smashing up the NHS, our schools, our welfare system beyond repair and pushing our society back to Victorian times.

  • daffers56

    21 June 2012 12:19AM

    For that audacious lie alone Cameron and Co need to meet their Political Nemesis. Once again a great Cartoon by the ever insightful Steve Bell. How about the Editorial playing its part in condemning this destructive Coalition? Time to make ammends and take responsibility for previous miscalculations. Ask Polly to dish out the clothes pegs and do the right thing.

  • PeleMcAmble

    21 June 2012 12:20AM

    GPs' strike is pointless, says Andrew Lansley
    Health secretary condemns Thursday's 'go-slow' industrial action by doctors in bullish speech to NHS leaders

    Too true twincam but to my mind, Lansley's more like the mad Captain Ahab and his quest for revenge on Moby Dick. I'm hoping that the white whale of the NHS will send the Tory Pequod to the bottom though I'm at a loss to see anyone among its crew worth saving. Mind you, I always had a soft spot for Steve Bell's whale, you know, the black one that lusts after nuclear subs - maybe it could swim along and take a fancy to Lansley. Now that would be something he deserves. Sorry, it's late and I'm fantasising.

  • afancdogge

    21 June 2012 12:22AM

    kristine - if only that were true. Here in Wales all health authorities are millions short - just not enough money in Wales and an Assembly that is not quite as Socialist as it likes to pretend.

    Across Britain people are suffering - this will worsen. I am waiting for somebody to explain how one small cabal of irresponsible nasties can give away public assets and scrap services paid for by the people across several generations.

    Who gave them to the coalition - and by what right ?


  • daffers56

    21 June 2012 12:24AM

    Be very careful! Matron will call on you to administer the appropriate treatment for cynicism. Works wonders for the digestive system.....clue?: do not make an enema of Matron!!......Nurse the screens and the reinforced commode.

  • qwertboi

    21 June 2012 12:39AM

    The intensity of anti-tory vehemence is always strong on Steve Bell and Martin Rownsley's cartoon pages, but unless I am mistaken the power and strength of it is increasing phenomenally.

    Even those of us who were horrified at the depths new labour could sink to in their 12 years and 11 months of power now see that Tory neoliberalism is indefinitely worse, and see that Ed Miliband, warts and all, is the last-hope for decency, political propriety and fairness in a democratic, parliamentary system.

    If these tory people win the next election, our values are done, and revolution, from which the working class and good people never benefit, will ensue.

    Become a Labour Supporter today.

    With your help, the likelihood that Labour reverts to blairist instincts and becomes, once again, indistinguishable from these evil, odious people reduces exponentially.

    Become a Labour Supporter today.

  • Friendoftheleft

    21 June 2012 12:39AM


    20 June 2012 11:51PM

    "Look at me Maw", brilliant film, iconic tag line, great cinematographer.

    Sod all like the incompetent denialist in charge of the NHS in England. ]
    Mike Farrar is also in denial of the fact that the iceberg was hit so long ago it is now just chillaxing Camerons G&T.

    When would you say the iceberg was hit showmaster?

  • Friendoftheleft

    21 June 2012 12:42AM


    20 June 2012 11:55PM

    GPs' strike is pointless, says Andrew Lansley
    Health secretary condemns Thursday's 'go-slow' industrial action by doctors in bullish speech to NHS leaders

    That's a laugh of a quote from the hapless Andrew Lansley, that despicable privateer who had his office funded by a company that will benefit from his NHS privatisation. Not corruption of course! And I haven't forgotten that it took the Guardian almost two years to utter a word against the NHS reforms in an editorial. It's only through the likes of Steve Bell and Martin Rowson that this paper as been able to hang on to what's left of its credibility.

    The NHS should be the battleground for the next election and I would like to think that the Guardian would switch its support from the liar Nick Clegg and his party of junior Tories but I wouldn't bet on it, at least not while Alan Rusbridger is editor.
    Wrong, wrong and wrong again. The NHS was the battleground that Labour and the TUC failed to meet and and allowd this Bill to be nodded through. Whatever Ed says he will do you can bet your bottom dollar that if he were elected he would fail to deliver his promise. Have you seen his maths?

  • Friendoftheleft

    21 June 2012 12:43AM


    20 June 2012 11:57PM

    What a blockbuster movie this will be. Lansley as Capt. Smith , Nick Clegg as Bruce Ismay and McKinsey as the White Star Line. Patients of the NHS will fill the bit part roles. The Labour party will play the part of the SS Californian, the ship that did not respond to the disaster.

    Spot on analysis of the roles, especially Labours.

  • lightacandle

    21 June 2012 12:46AM

    Thanks for posting that - deja vu hey - and noticed it's dated 1996 - one year before they were kicked out last time round. Let's hope this cartoon can bring about the same outcome within the same time frame - or sooner please God. Bye now Mr Lansley - missing you already - not.

  • roachclip

    21 June 2012 12:48AM

    afancdogge -

    Who gave them to the coalition - and by what right ?

    I don't think "right", except in terms of political leanings, comes into it.

    The Tories are working to a pre-conceived game plan, demonize, demoralize, and denigrate everyone except for themselves and their friends and supporters, create fear for the future and compliance to our fate, and then privatize everything they can make money from.

    They don't care what the effects will be on us, they will be as dishonest, mendacious and corrupt as they need to be to achieve their aims.

    The question is what do you do when somebody is directly threatening you, your children and your grandchildren, because that's what it's about, it's personal.

  • Friendoftheleft

    21 June 2012 12:49AM

    Your desperations shines through thinking that 'Ed Miliband, warts and all, is the last-hope for decency, political propriety and fairness in a democratic, parliamentary system'. Millionaire Ed is Tory Lite. You would be better campaigning for a return to old Labour. At least it knew what it stood for and who it represented.

  • kristinekochanski

    21 June 2012 12:54AM


    Could I make a wee suggestion that the Labour Party actually embrace Labour values? A nice man once said that the Labour Party were a moral crusade or they were nothing. Since John Smith died they have been nothing.

    I think you need to remind them of that.

  • qwertboi

    21 June 2012 12:54AM

    "Look at me Maw", brilliant film, iconic tag line, great cinematographer.

    That was my first thought too, fotl. James Cagney as Cody Jarrett in White Heat.....

    Cagney's last words were "...look at me, maw... top of the world.."

    One scene later he was splattered on the sidewalk

    "He finally got to the top of the world... and it blew right up in his face," Hank Fallon observed immediately after.

    Maybe, you know, BadDog is right: they know they are a one-administration government, so their sole intent is to destroy and plunder?

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