Abortion guidelines released

A woman being counselled
© Ipas

21 June 2012 -- An estimated 21.6 million unsafe abortions took place worldwide in 2008, almost all in developing countries. Deaths due to unsafe abortion remain close to 13% of all maternal deaths. WHO has just released the second edition of Safe abortion: technical and policy guidance for health systems for policy-makers, programme managers and health-service providers with the latest evidence-based guidance on clinical care.

The future we want: a healthier planet

Woman wearing air pollution sampling kits for particulate exposure, Kenya.
Practical Action/Nigel Bruce

19 June 2012 -- A healthy environment is a prerequisite for good health. Reductions in air, water and chemical pollution can prevent up to one quarter of the overall global burden of disease. The United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20) offers the world an opportunity to both acknowledge, and benefit from the inextricable links between human health and sustainable development.

Meeting the growing need for blood

A young couple are one of 500 couples who gave blood at the Pink Spring Festival in Ha Noi.
National Institute of Haematology, Viet Nam

14 June 2012 -- The need for blood and blood products is rising in all parts of the world. On World Blood Donor Day, WHO calls for more people to be heroes – providing voluntary unpaid blood donations on a regular basis to meet the world’s growing need for blood.

Diesel engine exhaust carcinogenic

A lorry emits a cloud of diesel fumes on a highway.

12 June 2012 -- After a week-long meeting of international experts, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), which is part of the World Health Organization, today classified diesel engine exhaust as carcinogenic to humans (Group 1), based on sufficient evidence that exposure is associated with an increased risk for lung cancer.

Disease outbreak news

Information about disease outbreaks

Emergencies and disasters

Health action in crises


Director-General and senior management


Constitution, Executive Board and World Health Assembly

WHO guidelines

A selection of evidence-based guidelines

WHO reform for a healthy future

Addressing public health challenges in the 21st century

WHO highlights

  • June 2012

    Fewer maternal and child deaths: too many still dying

    The new Countdown to 2015 report, Building a future for women and children: the 2012 report, highlights country progress – and obstacles to progress – towards achieving Millennium Development Goals 4 and 5, and includes updated health data on the 75 countries that account for 95% of all maternal and child deaths.

  • June 2012

    New programmatic update on antiretroviral treatment as prevention

    WHO has issued a programmatic update on antiretroviral treatment as prevention, which complements the 2010 WHO guidelines on antiretroviral therapy for HIV infection in adults and adolescents. It summarizes new scientific and programmatic data and describes WHO's role in treatment as prevention.

  • June 2012

    Mercury in skin lightening soaps and creams

    Many skin lightening creams and soaps contain mercury as an active agent. But mercury is dangerous. It can cause kidney damage and may also cause skin rashes, skin discoloration and scarring, as well as a reduction in the skin’s resistance to bacterial and fungal infections.

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