Mary Carter obituary

Mary Carter
Mary Carter was a great champion of comprehensive education. Photograph: Picasa

My mother-in-law, Mary Carter, who has died aged 78, was a local historian who published accessible books, including As I Was Going to St Ives (2002), bringing the local history of St Ives, Huntingdonshire, to a wider audience.

Mary grew up in Hove, East Sussex, where her father was a doctor. She won a scholarship to Cheltenham Ladies' college and read classics at Girton College, Cambridge. In 1958, she married Peter Wagner, an RAF officer. They had two children, Frederica ("Freddy") and Guy. Living the itinerant life of a forces wife, Mary worked as a classics teacher, including at St Ivo school, in St Ives. When Peter left the RAF, the family emigrated to Australia.

The marriage failed and Mary returned to England. She lived in the St Ives area, becoming a senior teacher at St Peter's school, Huntingdon. As Latin declined in state schools, she began teaching business studies. Despite her privileged education, Mary believed passionately in comprehensive education. Mary would not have recognised, or accepted, the Blair government's casually insulted "bog-standard" comprehensive schools. For her, comprehensive schools were places of opportunity for all children, whatever their social background or academic ability.

Mary, an active church member, was asked to write the history of the St Ives United Reformed Church. Not an Easy Church (1982) was her first book. She discovered an abiding passion for local history, writing and editing several more books. Particular interests were the hearth tax and a detailed 18th-century survey of St Ives by Edmund Pettis, which she edited and published in 2002. She was proud of her PhD, secured while in full-time work in a demanding job.

In 1985 Mary married Alan Carter, a police officer. They were very happy together and Alan cared for Mary devotedly during her final illness. On retirement they travelled the world, largely in support of Alan's role as secretary general of the International Police Association.

Mary moved effortlessly in all types of society. She was as comfortable talking to a police constable as to the Princess Royal. Entertaining guests from all over the world, she demonstrated her ability as a cook and hostess. At the same time she supported both of her children through serious illnesses, and was involved in the National Association of Decorative & Fine Arts Societies and (through Alan) in Rotary.

Mary is survived by Alan, Guy and Freddy; Alan's son, Mark; and four stepgrandchildren.

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