WDFW PoliceWashington Department of Fish & Wildlife
WDFW PoliceEnforcement

Report a Poacher or Other Violation

For more information,
please contact the WDFW
Enforcement Program


Illegal trophies
Undersized crab
Poached sturgeon
Poached fish
Poached fish
DIAL 911
To Report
Dangerous Wildlife Complaints
Poaching / Violations or
Dangerous Wildlife Complaints
Online reporting Online Reporting email reorting Email Reporting
TEXT Your Poaching / Violation Tip
Enter WDFWTIP (a space) and the Report
Send to: 847411 (TIP411)
Reports are completely anonymous

Note: The phone number, email address, and online applications on this page are intended solely for reporting fish and wildlife violations.

Reports will only be read during regular business hours, between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm, Monday-Friday. Information provided after hours, on weekends, or on holidays will be returned on the next business day.

Reporting Violations/Poaching

The Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) Enforcement Program encourages any citizen who witnesses a fish and wildlife offense to report the violation. There are currently only 141 commissioned Fish and Wildlife Officers in Washington, approximately 1 for every 43,288 citizens. The state encompasses 66,582 square miles, 157 miles of coast line, 3,026 miles of shoreline, 8,000 lakes and 40,000 miles of rivers and streams. This means the effectiveness of Officers to curb the activities of poachers is dependent upon your help.

Witnesses are encouraged to report violations by calling toll-free 1-877-933-9847, using the dedicated email for reporting poaching, or reporting the crime by using the on-line reporting form. You always have the choice to remain anonymous when reporting.

Reward Program

Violator information that leads to a conviction, could be eligible for a cash reward (up to $500), or hunting bonus points (up to 10 points). Hunting bonus points provide a greatly improved chance for drawing special permits for hunting. Annually, about $ 8,000.00 is paid, and about 90 individuals receive special hunt drawing bonus points.

What Is Poaching?

Poaching is the illegal taking or possession of game animals and fish, non-game, and protected, threatened, or endangered fish and wildlife species. Hunting deer/elk with the aid of a spotlight, closed season, closed area, possessing over the legal limits of fish or wildlife, killing of protected and endangered fish or wildlife, or destruction of critical habitat owned or controlled by WDFW are just a few examples. Please refer to the hunting or fishing regulations posted on the WDFW website for further definition.

Poachers have different motivations for what they do. Some kill illegally for food, others for strictly a monetary profit. Some poach in order to secure what they consider to be valuable trophies. And a few individuals poach just for the thrill of seeing how many animals they can kill in a given time frame in competition with others. Poaching is a growing problem that occurs year around. Regardless of the reason, poaching is a serious crime that cannot be justified or condoned.

Poaching Repercussions:

Poaching has a direct affect on all of us that follow the rules. For example, poaching diminishes current and future fish and wildlife populations thus reducing hunting/fishing and watchable wildlife opportunities of us and our children, and deprives the state and local businesses of revenue. Poaching impacts our ability to properly manage the fish and wildlife resources of the state. Legal hunting and fishing seasons are designed to remove the annual harvestable surplus. Poachers are impacting the fish and wildlife breeding populations needed to sustain or increase future harvest levels for legal hunters.

It is not known exactly how much poachers kill, but it’s quite probable that they can illegally take just as much as legitimate hunters/fishers do in some areas during regular hunting seasons.

What To Look For:

If you believe you have just witnessed a fish/wildlife violation, gather all the necessary information to report:

  1. Automobile license number, make, color, model, year, general condition (4X4, camper/canopy, etc.).
  2. Description of person(s) that committed the violation (sex, general age, race, hair color, general build, name/address if known).
  3. Type of violation, where and when it occurred (time, Game Management Unit, GPS coordinates, road junctions), and species involved.

Immediate reporting will significantly increase the ability of an Officer to contact the violator while still in the field. Use your cell phone if you are in a coverage area.

Never confront a poacher. Avoid getting too close to or examining a dead animal because such actions may contaminate the site and make an investigation difficult. So don’t disturb the crime scene.

Why Should You Report A Violation?

Poachers are thieves. Poaching steals the opportunity from the rest of us that correctly follow legal regulations. A true sportsman is safe, ethical, responsible, and legal. Poachers meet none of those attributes.

All poaching/violation reports are important. Due to limited Enforcement Program staffing, it is not always possible to provide an immediate response to every call. Fish and Wildlife Officers routinely follow-up with individuals making reports to clarify and gather further information.

Bottom line is that given the size of Officer patrol areas, we need your help to apprehend poachers. We depend upon help from the public. Together we can make a difference for the fish and wildlife resources of the state.

Hunter Education/Turn In A Poacher (HE/TIP) Trailer

The Washington Hunter Education/Turn In a Poacher (HE/TIP) Trailer will have two primary objectives: a) To engage the hunting public and general public in direct protection of their natural resources; and b) To promote Hunter Education and recruitment of the next generation of hunters to continue the heritage of hunting in Washington State.

It will be a primary community policing and enforcement outreach tool used by Fish and Wildlife Officers throughout the state at county fairs, sportsman’s shows, outdoor events, and other venues.

A main attraction will be the Washington Poachers Wall of Shame which will display wildlife and fish that have been illegal killed, along with the information about the subsequent prosecutions and disposition of the cases.

Scheduling of the HE/TIP Trailer is determined by the Enforcement Headquarters Lieutenant (360-902-2923). Only approved WDFW employees or approved certified WDFW volunteers may operate the HE/TIP Trailer.

The HE/TIP Trailer offers a unique opportunity for individuals, non-profits, or commercial businesses to provide gifts or donations to help curb poaching, protect critical habitats, and promote the hunting heritage in Washington. A three-tiered donor program has been established under the authority of RCW 77.15.425, Fish and Wildlife Enforcement Reward Account. (Gold = gifts/donations/materials/services of $2,500 or more over five years; Silver = gifts/donations/materials/services of $1,000 or more over two years; Bronze = gifts/donations/materials/services of any amount up to $1,000 for one year) Anyone interested in providing gifts or donations for the HE/TIP Trailer and Truck should contact the Enforcement Headquarters Lieutenant (360-902-2923). See the link for the HE/TIP Trailer and Truck Gift and Donation Policy.

Thanks to our Primary Donors
that provided gifts or donations for the HE/TIP Trailer and Truck

Eyes In The Woods Association


TIP Trailer TIP Trailer
TIP Trailer TIP Trailer

Become a Good Witness
Eyes in the Woods Association

Criminal Observation and Reporting Training (CORT)