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Talking back

A science blog, sans blague
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  • Profile

    Gary Stix, a senior editor, commissions, writes, and edits features, news articles and Web blogs for SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. His area of coverage is neuroscience. He also has frequently been the issue or section editor for special issues or reports on topics ranging from nanotechnology to obesity. He has worked for more than 20 years at SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, following three years as a science journalist at IEEE Spectrum, the flagship publication for the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. He has an undergraduate degree in journalism from New York University. With his wife, Miriam Lacob, he wrote a general primer on technology called Who Gives a Gigabyte? Follow on Twitter @@gstix1.
  • This Blog Is about the Good, the Bad and the Meshuga

    At Scientific American‘s weekly editorial meetings, I’m often the loudmouth. I usually try to get the last word in. When someone suggests writing a story about Google’s Web-search glasses, I react from mid-viscera: “That’s the worst tech idea that I’ve ever heard of.” Maglev? A jobs program for Sputnik-era engineers. What about the manned space [...]

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