Mike Lee: If health care stands, anything goes

Sen. Mike Lee says that if the Supreme Court upholds the Affordable Care Act, Congress’s power would effectively be limitless.

“If this law is upheld as constitutional by the Supreme Court, then there’s virtually nothing that’s beyond Congress’s reach, and I think that would be a horrible, horrible precedent for the country,” the Utah Republican — and former law clerk for Justice Samuel Alito — said in an interview for the POLITICO video series “SCOTUS & Health Care: The Final Countdown.”

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And it doesn’t matter if parts of the law are popular, Lee said — because the overall impact would be damaging to the country.

“Oh, look, in any law, you can point to the words ‘but,’ ‘and’ and ‘the’ and say that they’re unobjectionable, but of course we’re not looking at individual words. We’re looking at the effect of the legislation,” Lee said.

“The effect of this legislation is to dramatically expand the size and scope and cost of the federal government into the health care arena, and it does so in a way that’s unprecedented and on a constitutional foundation that is, at best, highly questionable,” he said.

Although Lee supports repeal of the law, he said Republicans should embrace a go-slow approach on any effort to replace the ACA’s popular provisions if they’re struck down by the court. In some cases, he said, insurance companies could fill policy voids, and in others, states could serve as health care laboratories — whether they prefer a single-payer or market-based approach.

“I think it’s very important to remember that states can do things that the federal government can’t do. … Historically, it’s been states that license and regulate health insurance companies. So each state is going to make its own decision,” he said.

“What they do in Massachusetts might be different from what they do in Illinois,” Lee said, adding that even Vermont — where there’s an effort under way to create a single-payer system — should have the right to do what it wants.

“If they want to do that, that’s their prerogative,” Lee said. “That’s not something I would favor, but that’s something they ought to be able to do in Vermont if that’s what they want to do.”


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