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  • Nuclear Security Topics in Focus

    Nuclear Security

    The IAEA is helping policymakers and experts from around the world coordinate their efforts to improve nuclear security, manage radioactive sources and combat nuclear terrorism. Go to Coverage →

  • IAEA and NWFZs Topics in Focus

    IAEA and Nuclear-Weapon-Free-Zones (NWFZ)

    Special coverage of IAEA activities and events, including reports, statements and media coverage in relation to nuclear-weapon-free-zones around the world. Go to Coverage →

  • Water Topics in Focus


    The IAEA helps tackle some of the earth's most pressing water challenges by applying nuclear techniques in the fields of water resource assessment, agricultural water management and marine pollution control. Go to Coverage →

  • Fukushima Topics in Focus

    Fukushima Nuclear Accident

    Resources, news updates and other relevant information on the Fukushima nuclear accident in Japan. Go to Coverage →

27 April 2012 | Sarah Nafuna from Uganda and Jane Mubanga Chinkusu from Zambia - present their perspectives on the opportunities and challenges for women in Africa who would like to enter the field of nuclear science. Ms. Nafuna and Ms. Mubanga Chinkusu are their countries National Liaison Officers (NLO) to the IAEA.

The IAEA is training authorities in Poland how to detect and respond to potential acts of nuclear terrorism, in advance of the UEFA EURO 2012 football championship.
One year after the nuclear accident at Japan's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, Denis Flory, IAEA Deputy Director General and Head of the Department of Nuclear Safety and Security, discusses what the IAEA has learned from the accident.
IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano briefed the media following the opening of the Agency's Board of Governors meeting.

Books and Publications

Nuclear Technology for a Sustainable Future

IAEA At Rio+20: Nuclear Technology for a Sustainable Future
Nuclear technologies are used daily to find and protect sustainable sources of fresh water, produce energy and food, while providing researchers the tools to study the ocean's past and predict its future.

Nuclear Security:  Achievements 2002–2011

IAEA Nuclear Security - Achievements 2002–2011
Building a nuclear security framework, which is suitable for today and sustainable for tomorrow, is a widely held priority of the international community.

Nuclear Security - IAEA: Working to Build a Global Response to a Global Threat

Nuclear Security - IAEA: Working to Build a Global Response to a Global Threat
The IAEA helps to ensure that measures are taken to control and protect nuclear and radioactive materials from falling into the wrong hands.

IAEA-EU Joint Action

IAEA-EU Joint Action: Partnership in Improving Nuclear Security
The IAEA works to improve and strengthen national nuclear security programmes worldwide. EU support helps to advance the IAEA's efforts by raising awareness and improving understanding of nuclear security and its many component parts.

IAEA Annual Report 2010

Implementation of Nuclear Security Plan 2006-2009
Summarizing the implementation of the Nuclear Security Plan 2006-2009.

IAEA Annual Report 2010

IAEA Annual Report 2010
Summarizing and highlighting developments over the past year in major areas of the Agency's work.