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21 June 2012 Last updated at 13:05 GMT

MEP vote rejects piracy treatyThe European Parliament

A key European committee has rejected Acta, which many see as the end of the road for the controversial anti-piracy treaty.

Galaxy Tab and iPadApple told to pay Samsung damages

A Dutch court has ordered Apple to pay damages to rival Samsung Electronics for infringing a patent held by the South Korean firm.

Habbo Hotel avatarsHabbo to turn back on 'in phases'

Next week, troubled Habbo Hotel social network will begin to return to normality, says chief executive Paul LaFontaine

Our Experts

Rory Cellan-Jones, Technology correspondent Article written by Rory Cellan-Jones Rory Cellan-Jones Technology correspondent

Enigma? First look at Alan Turing exhibition Watch

This week sees the 100th anniversary of the birth of Alan Turing, a man regarded as one of the most influential British scientists of the 20th Century.

Watch Rory's report

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