Nelly Yusupova
Nelly Yusupova, is a web technology specialist, consultant and strategist, and motivating and inspiring speaker. She is the CTO of Webgrrls International and has been at the forefront of the women’s movement online since 1999. She is responsible for building and maintaining the technical infrastructure of the organization that support the 100 chapters across the country and around the world.

Nelly works with entrepreneurs and teaches them how to use and leverage technology in their business and is a corporate trainer currently producing a 2 day intensive event called TechSpeak for Entrepreneurs™ where she will teach non-techy entrepreneurs “everything they need to know to communicate with, understand and manage their technology teams, their projects and to build and safeguard their business.”

Nelly conducts workshops and seminar teaching about technology, social media, blogging, and overall effective Internet strategies. She has been featured as a tech expert in INC Magazine, NBC's Today Show, Fast Company Magazine,, O’Reilly, SmartMoney SmallBiz and TechRepublic’s Women’s Radio.

Blog Entries by Nelly Yusupova

10 Tips for Hiring the Right Technology Consultant

(0) Comments | Posted June 20, 2012 | 5:45 PM

As a technologist who works and talks with lots of entrepreneurs, the number one most asked question that I get is, "how can I make sure that I hire the right technology consultant?"

Before I offer you some tips, let me tell you a story. A couple of years...

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