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  1. 1
    Thumbnail 0:42

    What is the FOIA?

    by TheJusticeDepartment 228 views

  2. 2
    Thumbnail 0:45

    How do I make a FOIA request?

    by TheJusticeDepartment 184 views

  3. 3
    Thumbnail 0:42

    Who handles FOIA requests?

    by TheJusticeDepartment 91 views

  4. 4
    Thumbnail 1:08

    Who oversees FOIA?

    by TheJusticeDepartment 73 views

  5. 5
    Thumbnail 0:39

    What is

    by TheJusticeDepartment 137 views

  6. 6
    Thumbnail 0:56

    What is on

    by TheJusticeDepartment 90 views

  7. 7
    Thumbnail 0:42

    Who can make a FOIA request?

    by TheJusticeDepartment 73 views

  8. 8
    Thumbnail 0:22

    Where do I send a FOIA request?

    by TheJusticeDepartment 69 views

  9. 9
    Thumbnail 0:56

    How is a FOIA request processed?

    by TheJusticeDepartment 105 views

  10. 10
    Thumbnail 0:52
  11. 11
    Thumbnail 0:57

    How much does it cost to make a FOIA request?

    by TheJusticeDepartment 117 views

  12. 12
    Thumbnail 0:41
  13. 13
    Thumbnail 0:45

    What are exemptions?

    by TheJusticeDepartment 118 views

  14. 14
    Thumbnail 1:06

    What is an appeal?

    by TheJusticeDepartment 91 views

  15. 15
    Thumbnail 0:51

    How are FOIA requests categorized?

    by TheJusticeDepartment 63 views

  16. 16
    Thumbnail 0:38

    What is a backlog?

    by TheJusticeDepartment 78 views

  17. 17
    Thumbnail 0:41

    What is a consultation?

    by TheJusticeDepartment 100 views

The Freedom of Information Act is the law that allows you to get information from the government. These videos explain the details of the law and how use it.

About U.S. Department of Justice


945 subscribers

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