Lisa Hymas

Lisa Hymas is senior editor at Grist. You can follow her on Twitter and Google+.

Green Screen

“Night Moves” is why people hate environmentalists

This indie thriller highlights some of the most detestable clichés of the save-the-trees mentality. Our roundtable of writers weigh in.

Climate & Energy

Where does Hillary Clinton stand on fracking?

She's all for it, if it's done "safely." But as secretary of state, she pushed fracking on other countries whether it would be safe or not.

Climate & Energy

Keystone XL could be even worse than you thought

The pipeline could lead to up to four times as much CO2 pollution as the State Department has estimated, according to a new study.

Like father, like daughter

Liz Cheney scorns climate action, just like her dad

Dick Cheney's eldest claims that the EPA and the Clean Water Act pose "a much greater threat" to America than global warming.

Food fight

Eden Foods hit by backlash for fighting Obamacare’s contraception mandate

Angry customers are organizing boycotts, signing petitions, and pushing Whole Foods to stop carrying Eden products.

Eden Foods pulls a Hobby Lobby

This organic food company is refusing to pay for employees’ birth control

Just like Hobby Lobby, Eden Foods has sued the Obama administration, claiming its owner's religious rights should trump employees' rights to access contraception.

Climate & Energy

Obama gears up for his big climate move

The president is about to launch the largest climate change initiative in U.S. history, and it's not because he's a tree-hugging hippie.

Climate & Energy

Is the Obama admin leaning toward requiring frackers to disclose the chemicals they use?

In an interview with Grist, EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy and Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz suggested that frackers might need to be more forthcoming about their chemical cocktails.


Obama delays Keystone decision — again

The administration is giving federal agencies more time to weigh in on the pipeline. That means a decision will probably be pushed past the midterm elections.

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