Combating Greece's Desperate Loss of Hope

The country's residents are the most pessimistic in the world about the direction of their lives, according to Gallup. Here's what leaders can do.
The Best Gallup Business Journal Articles of 2012

Restoring confidence in banks. Managing your workforce amid intense uncertainty. Making government more efficient. These are among the most urgent and timely topics the GBJ covered during 2012.
How Family-Run Businesses Should Choose Future Leaders

These enterprises face a big problem: Who will run their companies in the future? Those that neglect formal succession-planning processes and leadership development risk making bad decisions.
Getting Employees to Act on Your Brand Promise

Employees across a range of industries are confused about their company's brand promise, Gallup has found. Here's how to help them understand it -- and how to "behave" the brand.

New Gallup research shows that an engaging workplace has more of an effect on worker wellbeing than your company's vacation or flextime policies do.

The global economic crisis had many causes, but one of them was entrenched financial illiteracy. Here's a plan to help kids learn finance and business.
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Gallup Daily News

U.S. Flu Reports in December Higher Than in Prior Years
Americans' self-reports of daily flu spiked early this season, rising in December to levels typically not seen until February. An average of 3.2% of adults said they had the flu the prior day in December, outpacing reports from past Decembers.

An average of 26% of Americans said they were satisfied with the way things were going in the United States in 2012, up from 17% in 2011, but below the historical average of 38%.

Americans are divided, 49% to 50%, about whether the next generation of youth in the country will have a better life than their parents. This is a more positive assessment than in early 2011, but still historically negative.

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