Thursday, June 21, 2012 Updated 04:00 AM ET
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Employment Branding

Attracting the Right Talent

Attracting and retaining the right employees can make a significant impact on your organization's financial performance.

Optimized organizations hire and develop engaged, talented employees -- a process that starts at the beginning of the recruitment process. Employers are fighting a war for talent that continually challenges them to rethink recruitment tactics. To be competitive in today's market and prepare for future growth, organizations must sell themselves while attracting the right candidates.

Job applicants and employees alike want to know: What are the benefits of committing to your organization? Your employment brand must connect both rationally and emotionally with candidates and current employees.

An employment brand is the way your organization's prospective applicants, candidates, and employees perceive you as an employer. Those with a strong employment brand benefit from a number of advantages:

  • a higher quality candidate pool
  • more candidates who match the role requirements, meet or exceed the expectations of the hiring manager, and relate to the organization's culture
  • increased attraction and closing of passive candidates
  • a decreased application-to-hire ratio
  • a lower rate of offer rejection
  • decreased time-to-fill and cost-per-hire ratios
  • lower turnover
  • a greater number of employee referrals
  • a greater likelihood for employees to be brand ambassadors for your company
  • higher levels of employee engagement

Our Value
A Winning Brand in the War for Talent

For more than six decades, Gallup has studied the psychology of brand relationships. We have also spent more than 30 years helping organizations successfully recruit, select, and retain top talent while researching the effect of employee strengths in the workplace. Our expertise in brand and organizational behavior helps our clients build and maintain strong employment brands.

To be effective, an employment brand needs to perform optimally in each of these dimensions. Ideally, your employment brand:

  • is credible, compelling, and connects emotionally with your organization's current employees and ideal recruits.
  • marries the customer brand with the attributes of the workplace.
  • uniquely differentiates your organization from others.
  • is authentic and is aligned with the values and culture of your current and potential employees
  • speaks to targeted recruits and employees who are more likely to thrive in the culture and be aligned with your values and missions

A strong employment brand begins with a promise that is credible, compelling, and connects to the applicant. Once hired, the employee should build a deep-seated relationship with the employer by embracing the employment brand through the everyday employment experience. If the relationship is powerful, the employee will become an engaged employee and ambassador of the brand. They will encourage others to apply by talking to them about the employment promise and authentic experience it represents.

Gallup's experts provide consultation to support your organization to develop, implement, and sustain a strong employment brand. This includes actions like these:

  • assessing the existing employment brand
  • defining the employment brand identity and promise
  • defining the profiles of top performers
  • developing an employee value proposition, including rational and emotional benefits
  • designing and implementing internal and external employment communication initiatives
  • clarifying your organization's mission and values to candidates and employees
  • diagnosing and aligning external and internal perceptions of your employment experience
  • developing an employment brand marketing strategy
  • developing a detailed marketing plan
  • creating an engaging candidate and employment experience
  • building a culture of employment brand ambassadors
  • developing an ongoing measurement system to assess and manage your employment brand
To learn more about your organization can devise an employment branding strategy, contact us.
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