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Mortgage rules to be tightened further by Ottawa

The federal Finance Department is moving to further tighten mortgage rules to address concerns over household debt, including a reduction in the maximum amortization period from 30 to 25 years for government-insured mortgages. 10:21 PM ET video

Public sector sick days cost $1 billion a year

Federal workers have been booking off sick in record numbers, costing Canadian taxpayers more than $1 billion a year in lost wages alone, a confidential government report obtained by CBC News reveals. 11:10 PM ET video

RCMP Act changes will give top Mountie more powers

The federal government is giving the RCMP commissioner greater powers to discipline or even fire people who give the force a bad name. 11:06 PM ET video

Suspect in fatal armoured car heist arrives in Edmonton

Travis Baumgartner, the man accused of shooting three fellow security guards to death and critically wounding a fourth in an apparent armoured car robbery, has been returned to Edmonton. 10:33 PM ET video

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  • June photo contest: Joyful Sounds by Community Team Jun. 20, 2012 7:33 PM Today's photo was submitted by Krystle Roberts. Titled Joyful Sounds, it shows the Salvation Army Brass Band from Springdale, N.L. playing at the Little Bay Islands, N.L.

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